Remember how Democrats always refuse to fight back against smears because "The American people are too smart to fall for that"?
No, they aren't. In fact,
Americans are no longer capable of arriving at opinions through actual thought:
Americans have a more negative view of government today than they did a decade ago, or even a few years ago. Most say it focuses on the wrong things and lack confidence that it can solve big domestic problems; this general anti-Washington sentiment is helping to fuel a potential Republican takeover of Congress next month.
But ask people what they expect the government to do for themselves and their families, and a more complicated picture emerges.
A new study by The Washington Post, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University shows that most Americans who say they want more limited government also call Social Security and Medicare "very important." They want Washington to be involved in schools and to help reduce poverty. Nearly half want the government to maintain a role in regulating health care.
So let's see...they like Social Security and Medicare, but they want spending cut to the bone. They want Washington to be involved in schools, but they want Washington out of their schools. They want Washington to help reduce poverty, but they don't want social programs for "Those People."
Take this woman, for example:
"I think the less the government governs us, the better we do," Norma Osuna, 48, said in a follow-up interview to the survey. A stay-at-home mother, she sees the country as going in a "socialistic" direction.
Did anyone think to ask her what her evidence was for her view that the country is going in a "socialistic" direction? Has she thought about it, or is she just parroting Glenn Beck? Do any of the journalists who talk to these people actually ask them to explain their views or how they got there?
Or how about this nitwit:
For Scottie Church, 39, of Winder, Ga., the answer is simple: "It's time to get back to basics. It's time for [the federal government] to get out of the way and let the private sector do its job."
And what, pray tell, is the private sector's job? Does Scottie Church even know? Has anyone thought to ask? If Scottie Church is talking about "capitalism", well, capitalism's job is to maximize profit. Not create jobs, maximize profit. And if maximizing profit means poisoning an entire community with toxic sludge or crude oil or benzene; if it means sending all the jobs to Asia in a never-ending chase for the most exploitable workers; if it means screwing over every man, woman and child in America, well, that's immaterial to the goals of capitalism. Capitalism is about profit, and ONLY profit. So I'd like someone to ask Scottie Church if that's what he/she means.
We are a profoundly ignorant. People don't know anything about their own religions. We know little of our own history, let alone our history in context with the rest of the world. We worship sports heroes who torture dogs, but we point at scientists and laugh. A profoundly messed-up woman like Christine O'Donnell can run on a platform of "See? I can't manage my finances either. I'm you." We had eight years of a dry drunk as president because people thought he was the guy they'd want to have a beer with -- as if that were ever going to happen. Now there are people who would vote to give the nuclear codes to an aging high school mean girl because they'd like to fuck her -- as if that's ever going to happen. Smart people are regarded with scorn as "elites." Ignorance is regarded as a virtue.
This is how an empire dies. And we are going to be around to see it.
Labels: American Idiots, hopelessness, Teh Stoopid, We Are So Screwed, willful ignorance
Why just a few years ago a study was done where some rediculous percentage of high school students (more than 70%) thought that the government SHOULD censor the media and newspapers.
WTF?! How did we get to that place?
I know things are bad as I am a labor intensive employer in a college town, and these kids are not well educated in the basics of grammar and spelling. Instead they are 100% reliant on smart phones, social networks, and the like for their collective world views, "Facts," and opinions.
Critical thought, and the questions that come from it are dead. Long live the dumb.
I would like to add something to what Anonymous said. "Always remember that by definition half of the population has an IQ of under the mean of 100." Yes but in our specific case the majority of the other half of the population seems to have the same IQ of under the mean of 100! This includes me.
Ignorance is strength, and the penultimate sentence from Jill reminds me of Idiocracy, when Joe was told he talked like a fag, and his shit was all retarded.
I'd be killed by a mob in the land known as "Idiocracy", and it would be worse than what happened to Joe in the fight he had against Beef Supreme...:-)
Been there, done that. A 60-comment FB thread, where my simple question was: "Give me one solid example of our slide towards soshulizm." I never got an answer, but did learn that ACORN is/was history's greatest monster.
"Has she thought about it"
"or is she just parroting Glenn Beck?"
It all has its roots in the soil of rapid change and fear. I don't know how much it helps to know that - maybe if we get lucky and Obama transmogrifies into Roosevelt tomorrow, or next week.
Great post, interesting comments, thanks.
Most likely they live in one of the red welfare states that wouldn't survive without the socialist dollars of the blue states.
But I do read some history. According to the book, Deliver the Vote, the reason that poor people voted for rich people who wouldn't represent them and who couldn't be held accountable back in George Washington's time, was that rich people gave out free whiskey at the polls.
Since that practice was stopped a long time ago, the only explanation has been stupidity.