"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Monday, February 23, 2009

Nice. Real nice. Meet your soulless Republicans
Posted by Jill | 5:27 AM
Yesterday we got to see Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama buy into the e-mail smears about Barack Obama's citizenship. Now we hear about Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning's death wish for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg:
U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning predicted over the weekend that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would likely be dead from pancreatic cancer within nine months.

During a wide-ranging 30-minute speech on Saturday at the Hardin County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner, Bunning said he supports conservative judges "and that's going to be in place very shortly because Ruth Bader Ginsburg … has cancer."

"Bad cancer. The kind that you don't get better from," he told a crowd of about 100 at the old State Theater.

"Even though she was operated on, usually, nine months is the longest that anybody would live after (being diagnosed) with pancreatic cancer," he said.

Aside from the fact that it's at the very least in poor taste to make pronouncements of prognosis for those stricken with cancer, Bunning has his facts wrong. Yes, pancreatic cancer is a devastating diagnosis, and its prognosis is poor. But you just don't say "Oh, you'll be dead inside of a year." Because the fact is that no one knows. Right now the most famous pancreatic cancer sufferer is actor Patrick Swayze, and not only is he still working just shy of a year in diagnosis, he's signed a book deal doing well enough for the press to be having the vapors because he's still smoking.

But this is how the Republicans operate, isn't it? Everything is about their power -- getting it, keeping it, regaining it. It's party über alles for these guys, and it doesn't matter whom they have to stomp into the ground or how far into the gutter they have to go. Whether it's elevating the lies of racist kooks into mainstream discourse or invoking the long-dead Cold War or saying that if you aren't marching in lockstep with the Republicans you're a terrorist, I think over the last eight years and even into today, we've seen what these people are made of. And it isn't compassion, it isn't humanity. This party, and the people who are attracted to it, are about the worst of human nature -- about meanness, petty grudges, lust for power, greed, and for all their talk about morality, the leaders of this party are about utter lack of accountability. It is the Republican Party that is all about id -- the unfettered id of the infant, screaming for its wants and not at all understanding the word "no" or even the word "later." Republicanism is like being a two-year-old in a supermarket, wanting not just one colorful box of cereal, but all of them -- and wanting it now, and making everyone's lives miserable until they get it.

I hope this country can handle having adults in charge and isn't it in a hurry to give it back to the two-year-old throwing the tantrum in Aisle Seven.

UPDATE: Bunning has issued one of those patented Republican non-apology apologies:
“I apologize if my comments offended Justice Ginsburg,” Bunning, a Kentucky Republican, said in a statement released by his office. “That certainly was not my intent. It is great to see her back at the Supreme Court today and I hope she recovers quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.”

How about "I apologize for being a nasty insensitive asshole"? Why make it conditional on Ginsburg being offended?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
That's just vile.

Blogger Serr8d said...
But this is how the Democrats operate, isn't it? Everything is about their power -- getting it, keeping it, regaining it. It's party über alles for these guys, and it doesn't matter whom they have to stomp into the ground or how far into the gutter they have to go. Whether it's elevating the lies and narrative of Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky into mainstream discourse (and the Oval Office) or invoking the long-dead Civil War (Abe Lincoln was a Republican!) or saying that if you aren't marching in lockstep with the Democrats you're a racist!, a homophobe, a misogynist, or a very least a cave-dwelling knuckly-dragging wildebeast. I think over the last eight years and even into today, we've seen what these Boooshchimphitler-supporting biblethumping warmonger chickenhawk Abu Ghraib, square-jawed military jarhead torturing fucks are made of. And no, when Tony Snow dies and Democrats trash him, well, that's different.

There, cleaned that for you.

Blogger prin said...
oops! hit a nerve, did you? i say just let them keep on keepin' on and surely...hopefully... they will be voted out of office with the next election.

Blogger Meadows said...
Good line, "...unfettered id..."

If Wingnut Senators have felt no constraints for these many BushWorld years, perhaps the non-constraining "parent" would be the MSM, hmmmm?

As a seasoned parent well-versed in toddler handling, it's best to ignore bad behavior and reward good behavior. In this case it's called a vote.

Blogger Melina said...
I was gonna leave a rubber/glue response to the cleverly named "serrated" but upon seeing his/her "knuckle dragging," and even MORE cleverly named (if that is possible) blog, (which is unreadable because of a misunderstanding of sidebar size as opposed to main text areas in this very easy even-a-child-could-do-it, program.)
From what I can see, serr8, you seem to be railing about what is surely the discourse directed at you due to your misogynistic, hateful screed of a blog with no real message except the continuation of the very myths you claim to be upset about.

I want to point out to you that a majority of us voted your type out of power. Even many of your own very type of hateful people turned and jumped from the sinking ship in the face of what is actually the truth of who we are as a country. Your way of being will never work for long once the whole fear thing wears off and the lies become this unbelievable.

Its time for you, little islands of hate, to go back underground and try to plan your reemergence from the slime sometime way, way in the future. But I wouldnt be so hopeful about the next elections or the ones after that, or that.
I think that your boy Bush, and his cronies have done enough damage to your party (and our country) to last generations, and the memory of his inept handling of ...er...everything, will live on in the likes of history books and assured by the existence of ,the blogs of backwards, hateful folks like you.

Nothing you can say or do, even if we could read it in your scary formatting, picking amongst the butts in short shorts and racist slumdog millionaire "jokes?" could make a difference in the direction that the country has to go in now...Some day, cultural anthropologists will reformat it and claim it as an example of the sort of wrongheaded mis-information that got us into this mess.

From the huge chasm between lockstep with the dems and the hate you spew...(as if we ever lockstepped in our lives! ha!)...I hope you keep it going, because its a good example for us all!

There, messed up your little messy world again for you!

Blogger D. said...
" I think over the last eight years and even into today, we've seen what these Boooshchimphitler-supporting biblethumping warmonger chickenhawk Abu Ghraib, square-jawed military jarhead torturing fucks are made of."

Yes. We have.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
A liberal will look at a glass and wonder if it's half full or half empty. A conservative will look at the same glass and scream, 'That's MY glass'.

Blogger Serr8d said...
Same old tired, hateful talking points, Melina. You talk 'islands of hate'? Exactly how do you define your site, or this site, without redefining hate?

What, no comment on the outpouring of hate liberals had for Tony Snow, after he died? Remember, this post was speaking to a death that hasn't even happened yet. A defense that's not even needed. But I'll say this: when that woman dies, you won't find me celebrating. When George Bush or Dick Cheney dies, you and yours probably will break out in mad celebration. That's the difference between me, and yours.

We, bloggers, are all of one mindset, polarized to one side or the other. I won't convince you, nor you me. But I know this: your political worldview is not one that's sustainable. You'll have a cycle, sure; but after a few years the pendulum will swing back. Obama is already setting up his own failures, and all the 'community organizing' in the world won't change that.

Also what won't change is the innate hate we have for each other, on these here intrawebs. In person, we could probably share a latte or something.

But I guarantee you would not call me 'racist' to my face.

Blogger Melina said...
I doubt you'd ever be sipping a latte with me, but you can always dream. Your level of assumption is as astounding as the backwardness of your blog.
The post actually refers to the disinformation that is a belief or report that the death of one is imminent, and that disinformation being used as a political tool to bolster or beat up the opposition.
Maybe you didn't get that...thats what made it news and not just another sad chapter in in the annals of disinformation and lies coming from that dying machine.

Regarding the rest: No political world view is sustainable without checks and balances as the founders set out, and also the flexibility to change with the times in an ever changing world rather than pick and choose what is comfortable for you, you, you.

I have no hate for you, serr8, I just feel sorry for the selfish misguided world view that causes you to harp on the likes of Tony Snow, as opposed to actually doing some reading about whats really going on in the world now.
That is the damage that Snow and Fox Fews has done to your movement. I never wished any pain on the guy but I would have been happy to see him tell the truth just once. Even Scott McClellan had to eventually...or some form thereof that approached it. But Scotty is the kind of rat that sees that the ship is sinking and jumps.

The huge disservice that disinformation has done to certain elements of this land is evident in everything you write...so I'm afraid that your deaf ears are not yet brave enough to look at things as they have been. It takes a big person to look at whats been done and take it in and take responsibility for their own complicity or complacency. As things stand now, I cant believe that you even want to argue any of this anymore.

Clearly, what is unsustainable are the lies and the selfishness...and to spend time trying to project how anyone will act when someone dies in the future is surely a waste of time in light of how fucked we are due to those lies!...

My own weakness and interest is the psychology of things and so all that keeps me answering here is the fact that you're so overly obsessed with these few people and what effect some fringe of thoughtless folks might have on the culture at that point. Its that busy-work that the Fox folks would prefer you to be doing rather than looking at their actions.
Anyway, I'm sure they will get funerals fit for the kings that they think they are, so you don't have to worry about what I think or if I will break into dance and cheers.

I certainly don't have to prove anything to you about me and my kind and what we might be thinking at the projected time in the future...don't you have anything current that you need to do? aren't there further examples that could pull you from the embarrassment of your repetition of the same issue?

And yeah, if you were to act as racist and misogynistic as what is readable of your blog seems, I would definitely call you a racist to your face. Maybe I would respectfully point out that its backwards and that I don't allow that in my home or my sphere of being...
You may want to take a look at what you've got posted there and ask yourself what exact type of readership you're trying to attract...or more, who you're trying to prove a point to.
Its very hard to take you seriously.

Im done...but I will be happy to use this experience in my discussions of denial in the future...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is just part of the unbridled narcissism of the loopy left.

There is nothing so power mad as a leftie. In their rabid desire to place their hairy monkey paws on the levers of power over our lives, there is no bridge too far to cross in order to coarsen our world and scorch the Earth with unrelenting calumny.

By contrast, conservatives....by definition.....want no power. Smaller, less intrusive government, fewer narcoleptic twits earning a government paycheck while managing our lives for us, vastly reduced meddling in the markets (such as that which has brought upon us this current mess...thank you Congressional Black Caucus..thank you Barney...thank you Chris....thanks to you too, BillyBoy and your enforcer thugs who pummeled the banks into this idiocy)

No, it is you looselugnut lib lefties whose toxic victimology and rancid souls clamor for power. Nay....insist on power in order to MAKE THINGS RIGHT!!!!

But you mean oh-so well.

Lord, save us from well-meaning libruls.



Blogger Serr8d said...
Let's take this monumentally arrogant reply a step at a time...

I doubt you'd ever be sipping a latte with me, but you can always dream. Your level of assumption is as astounding as the backwardness of your blog.

Madam, the concept of 'sipping a latte' with you was simply a nice gesture on my part, and only that: a seeking of some commonality. I guess your arrogance is such that you're not in touch with those sorts of gestures, and being out of touch with gestures is a manifestation of your antagonism for those who you deem 'other'..not of your specific (and close-minded) tribe. I'm much older than you, and can relate to any human in any given one-on-one situation (as is my profession) and can even suffer such an arrogant, condescending personality as yours without any inappropriate responses. Can you? Well, let's see..

The post actually refers to the disinformation that is a belief or report that the death of one is imminent, and that disinformation being used as a political tool to bolster or beat up the opposition.
Maybe you didn't get that...thats what made it news and not just another sad chapter in in the annals of disinformation and lies coming from that dying machine.

Disinformation, huh? Similar to the 'disinformation' that sprung from Democrats attending the Wellstone funeral; those who stood and mocked the Republicans in attendance. To 'beat up on the opposition', as it were. But of course, they had a right to do so. Given they were in the correct 'tribe'.

Regarding the rest: No political world view is sustainable without checks and balances as the founders set out, and also the flexibility to change with the times in an ever changing world rather than pick and choose what is comfortable for you, you, you.

What's comfortable for me is ebb and flow in the political arena. I voted for Jimmy Carter, my first opportunity to vote for president. I voted for Al Gore for U.S. Senator in Tennessee, twice. I did not recognize that Al Gore who became VP for Bill Clinton; not many Tennesseans knew him after that. Evidenced by his not carrying the state in 2000. What happened to that boy? Why, he suffered a dose of far-left liberalism; he went to Washington, and never returned. There is a problem in this country: the problem streams from the Left. You, unfortunately, don't see this condition as the problem it is. Do you think that what you believe is going to get your tribe to the nirvana, the promised land you so desperately desire? Do you really? I've news: it's not. Your mindset is that the Left is correct and there's no room for any 'other'. Sorry, but that's a bit exalted, and unrealizable. As you will live to see.

I have no hate for you, serr8, I just feel sorry for the selfish misguided world view that causes you to harp on the likes of Tony Snow, as opposed to actually doing some reading about whats really going on in the world now.
That is the damage that Snow and Fox Fews has done to your movement. I never wished any pain on the guy but I would have been happy to see him tell the truth just once. Even Scott McClellan had to eventually...or some form thereof that approached it. But Scotty is the kind of rat that sees that the ship is sinking and jumps.

The huge disservice that disinformation has done to certain elements of this land is evident in everything you write...so I'm afraid that your deaf ears are not yet brave enough to look at things as they have been. It takes a big person to look at whats been done and take it in and take responsibility for their own complicity or complacency. As things stand now, I cant believe that you even want to argue any of this anymore.

Clearly, what is unsustainable are the lies and the selfishness...and to spend time trying to project how anyone will act when someone dies in the future is surely a waste of time in light of how fucked we are due to those lies!...

So you use Tony Snow's alleged 'disservice' and 'disinformation' to 'dehumanize' him. There you go. Analyze that.

My own weakness and interest is the psychology of things and so all that keeps me answering here is the fact that you're so overly obsessed with these few people and what effect some fringe of thoughtless folks might have on the culture at that point. Its that busy-work that the Fox folks would prefer you to be doing rather than looking at their actions.
Anyway, I'm sure they will get funerals fit for the kings that they think they are, so you don't have to worry about what I think or if I will break into dance and cheers.

Nor will I break into song and dance when Ted Kennedy or Justice Ginsburg. I'll smack 'em while they live; after they die, they can trouble me no further.

Oh, Bush and Cheney, kings? Were you one of the strange leftys who thought there would be a coup, and no election? Please. We had an election (we lost by only a slim margin, 52-48, not so much the "overwhelming" margin you'd like to claim) and Bush and Cheney are, thankfully, retired. After having prevented any further attacks on U.S. soil. After having met an enemy on a war footing, and stopped al-Qaeda, and introduced the first democracy to an Arab country. I regret his spending, and his inability to stop the Fannie and Freddie oversights, but all in all I think he did a fine job. We'll see how well your amorphous and untried 'agent of CHANGE' does, and where he takes this country. So far, there's nothing he's done that's brag-worthy. Otherwise you'd be singing his praise and not spending time attacking Republicans and Conservatives. Oh, but you like that sort of thing, don't you? Don't lie; you blog to vent.

I certainly don't have to prove anything to you about me and my kind and what we might be thinking at the projected time in the future...don't you have anything current that you need to do? aren't there further examples that could pull you from the embarrassment of your repetition of the same issue?

And yeah, if you were to act as racist and misogynistic as what is readable of your blog seems, I would definitely call you a racist to your face. Maybe I would respectfully point out that its backwards and that I don't allow that in my home or my sphere of being...
You may want to take a look at what you've got posted there and ask yourself what exact type of readership you're trying to attract...or more, who you're trying to prove a point to.
Its very hard to take you seriously.

Im done...but I will be happy to use this experience in my discussions of denial in the future..

Good luck to you as well. But I will monitor your blog, and I'll certainly be back to point out your faults. When you're dehumanizing, overbearing, hypercritical, and of course I'll point out your feeble attempts at defining as 'racist' anything that suits your liberal needs to keep stoked your fires of grievance. The recent dead chimp cartoon is a perfect example of how the left calls racism, after assigning 'intent' to the cartoonist that just wasn't there.

(Oh, and your obvious fascination with my blog..I blog for my own benefit, a release as it were, not for any other motive. No ads, no banners, no tip jars. But I do enjoy photoshopping, as you will find out if you keep bashing on it. Your nice sepia image might find it's way as the head of a battery-operated phallus or something, I haven't really decided yet.. ;)