"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

For the first time in my adult life, I am really, really , really really proud of my country
Posted by Jill | 5:16 AM

They call me "Mister President"

Terrorist this, bitchez.

Eight years ago, the man who lost this election last night lost his party's nomination in South Carolina because the man he wanted so desperately to succeed this year ran a campaign in a southern state that accused his adopted Bangladeshi daughter of being the product of a liaison with a black prostitute. Twelve years ago, Harvey Gantt lost a Senate race in North Carolina because his opponent, Jesse Helms ran a last-minute ad showing white hands crumpling a piece of paper and a voiceover saying "You really needed that job, but you didn't get it because they had to hire a minority." Twenty years ago Michael Dukakis, the last nominee with a funny name, was knocked out of the race by a man named Willie Horton, exploited by the father of the current president. This year, John McCain's media people ran ads with subtexts like "How dare this black man be so disrespectful of a white woman" and with the word "black" subliminally highlighted.

This is a country where Sikhs are still being attacked and harassed in parts of the country that ought to know better because their turbans and dark skin make idiots think they are somehow aligned with Osama bin Laden.

This is a country that for eight years has been governed by the double-headed hydra of Fear and Loathing. We have tolerated the worst kind of atrocities by our leadership in our enslavement to that fear and loathing. And last night we elected a man who is the son of a black Kenyan man and a white woman from Kansas, and who is named Barack Hussein Obama, to lead us out of the mess left us by a white son of privilege from Kennebunkport and Yale. We chose a man who understands struggle. We chose a man who rose above the kind of background that would have turned a lesser man into just another street kid with a chip on his shoulder. We chose a man who appealed to our better natures. We chose a man who is so relentlessly calm in the face of crisis that he makes us believe that he can go down to the engine room of this Titanic of a country and fix the breaches in all five watertight compartments using nothing but a butter knife and a pack of Bazooka bubblegum. All by himself. Wearing a tuxedo.

Whoever put this together knew far more about this man than I did:

We chose this man resoundingly. WE did. Americans did. And yes, I do believe that "he's got this."

I am under no illusions that Barack Obama is going to be able to work miracles. I am under no illusions that he's going to be able to, as Marc Maron talks about in his stand-up act, take us on the bus to the magic hopeful place at which he always seems to be looking, there off in the distance, whenever he speaks. I am under no illusions that he is going to turn this country into some kind of progressive paradise. He is not "the most liberal member of the Senate," and he is not a rabble-rouser. His nature is to compromise to get things done, rather than to be a rigid ideologue. And to some extent he IS Jackie Robinson, who now has to at least try to reach out to and reassure the woman who said she can't trust him because he's an Arab, and the guy quoted in the Bergen Record last week who said that he's voting for his own kind. Because that is what a president does. A president realizes that he represents all Americans, not just the ones who elected him. And I'm confident that Barack Obama will do that. He will sometimes piss us bloggers off royally while he does, and we will call him on it, because it is our job as citizens and commentators to do so.

But this is not a man who's going to look at a room full of "the haves and the have mores" and call them "my base." This is not a man who's going to say "We do not torture" while commanding our troops to inflict atrocities on war prisoners. This is not a man who's going to ignore a Presidential Daily Briefing that says we are about to be attacked because he's on vacation. This is not a man who's going to play a guitar and do photo-ops with a cake while an American city drowns and poor people scream for help in a sports stadium. And perhaps that is enough, though I don't believe for one minute that this president will be satisfied with "good enough" because his entire adult life has shown that he has never for one minute been satisfied with "good enough."

And now the campaigning is over. The speeches are over (and wasn't it a masterful one, too). On January 20 we will have a new president. We will have a president who is smart and who understands the challenges we face. We will have a president with gravitas and dignity. We will have a president who can speak English coherently. We will have a president who perhaps better than most of those who have come before him in my lifetime, represents this best of this country; who represents the reason why there is such a thing as patriotism.

When you grow up at a time like the one in which I did, it's easy to lose sight of just what this country is supposed to be. The formative events of my life and my early memory start with the Cold War and the assassination of a president. It went on to an unpopular war, the civil rights struggle that ultimately brought us to this day, and a presidential scandal. As a young person growing up then, it's understandable that we would become cynical about our country. Of all the things I'm grateful for today, perhaps what I'm most grateful for today is that for millions of young people who became the foot soldiers of this campaign and this movement, their dreams and their goals have come true, and at least for now, they have been seized from the jaws of despair and cynicism, and energized for what lies ahead.

And I and so many others of my generation -- and those of my parents' who are still here -- will be right there with them. Because this is a moment of history; a history that spans two hundred and thirty-eight years. And in that history we all march together.


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Blogger Distributorcap said...
we get to have so few moments like this one ---- and we should all savor it. this is a once in a lifetime candidate ---

there is plenty of hard work to do -- and there is ALREADY attacks from the right, the right blogs and the MSM (see Scarborough, Joe) -- they already want him to fail

but for the first time in 8 years or maybe longer --we have hope, inspiration and someone in charge with intelligence, poise, an ear to listen and sanity.

i know i should just move on -- and we need to move one as well -- but in these moments of joy and hope -- i cant help but think of what it would have been like had we not had 2000 stolen -- and in my heart hoping that GWB has a miserable afterlife.

but at least for a day --- sanity and righteousness prevailed. and smiles... something sorely lacking

Blogger Anonymoustache said...
Hear hear!
Beautifully said.

Blogger Taradharma said...
yes, his speech was brilliant: reaching out to all. He is our rock. He knows: it's not about him, his ego or his personality: it's about US the American people. He gets it. He asks for our participation, for our help.

He'll get mine big time.

There is yet hope for this country, here and around the world.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The speeches had better not be over! To do what he has promised requires that he communicate directly with the American people and he does it beautifully. If Obama does not keep his direct relationship with us he will fail. The elites will make sure of that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Next time just ask your sister. :)

Blogger Bob said...
I thank this wonderful young man for bringing off what a year ago seemed the unlikeliest but most necessary of events: A victory so large & so broad that it could not be stolen or its meaning denied. He saved free national elections in America. We have to work to guarantee elections remain free.

Blogger Unknown said...
Congratulations, moonbat. ;-)

(And thanks for fixing your comments thingie. This site has been deprived of my insights for days now.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
All this election has proven is that corruption and money trump integrity every time. Mr. “Game-Changer” showed that he has no more character than the creeps on Capitol Hill, quickly abandoning his promise to accept only public funding for his campaign. This enabled him to outspend McCain by hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising, flooding the airwaives in key battleground states with up to four times as many ads as the GOP.

This guy’s no different than anyone else, as you will soon see. But, hey, what can I say? Love is blind, isn’t it?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great speech, beautifully written article. Maybe being a "liberal" will catch on :)