"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Your Voting Stories
Posted by Jill | 6:25 PM
So how did you feel when you voted today?

I always vote. I vote in school elections even though I have no kids. Voting gives me the right to complain. But I have never before voted the way I did today.

I showed up at 7:15 and in my little Republican town of 9600 residents and almost as many McCain/Palin signs, the joint was relatively jumpin', with about a dozen rather glum-faced voters getting ready to cast their votes for More Of The Same Crap. The elderly man from Ireland who mans the table for my district remembered me from my foray into local politics earlier this year, when I ran for county committee and explained to him why the Sequoia Advantage voting machines we use in Bergen County are unreliable. I was able to walk right into the booth, hit the touch pad for each candidate, double check against the readout screen at the bottom of the display, vote yes on the two NJ ballot initiatives, then took a cell phone photo of my choices and sent it to PixPlace to pick up later -- except that it looks like all you can do is send it to another phone.

But then I stood in the booth for a few seconds, just to savor what I hope is the historical event in which I just participated. Then I walked out to the car and went to work. I may even have shed a few tears. Good tears.

Share your stories in the comments.


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Blogger jurassicpork said...
Despite my trepidations about Obama (which I still have), voting for him on that paper ballot was the most natural thing I ever did. There wasn't a question about it.

The Moms at the school were selling some good food, as they do every year.

Blogger Bob said...
It was the best vote I ever cast. & that I cast it so quickly, as I do every time I vote, made it all the sweeter.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I actually look forward to voting for some for the first time in 12 years. I cried tonight when Obama spoke. I'm a 49 year old white guy.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Polling Place: Church pre-school up the street.

Kids running around in the playground through the window.

One oval colored in: straight ticket.

Stood in line for a little bit not the hours that others did.

And sweet victory tonight.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Obama wins.

You know, i'm taking this site off of my bookmarks. I've grow sick of your cringing, your cowardice, and your insane conspiracy theories from "Bush will declare war on Iran and suspend the elections" to "the fix is in, McCain will steal Pennsylvania!"

Grow up, you big babies.

Blogger Fran said...
I too spent a moment taking in what I was about to do and what might happened!

And it has happened!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I voted before going to work, at about 6:55 a.m. NYC still used the old, green metal voting machines. I like the feel of moving the little black lever and hearing the thunk as the "x" falls into view. And yesterday as I hit the Obama/Biden lever I felt butterflies in my stomach and a slight tearing up. This is what so many of us have been fighting for through the civil rights fight for so long. That a man is judged by his character and found to be fit to be president. (And when Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson ran in primaries I voted for them too.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not to emulate Madonna...but it DID feel like the very first time again! I first voted in 1972....no night has affected me so totally as last night! We cheered and laughed and toasted as we watched the returns. I felt frightened and worried when I voted, and tremulously hopeful. To have that blossom into joy was the best moment of this new century.

Blogger Taradharma said...
I am a permanent absentee voter. This year, my new wife and I dropped our ballots off on the day we got married at the courthouse: October 16. A double dose of pride and happiness.

I always feel good when I vote: I know people around the world, and in this country too, have fought and died for their right to fair and free elections.

Blogger casey said...
I vote in all elections except school elections as they are basically fixed because they go on an austerity budget that is almost the regular budget. If we could have a real vote in school elections then I would be there also. As usual when I cast my vote the person(s) I vote for almost always loose. Example I voted against Peter King and what do I get the same POS Peter King. This does not stop me from hoping that the next time he comes up for a vote he will lose.