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Monday, October 13, 2008

Meet An Average McCain Voter
Posted by Jill | 5:32 AM
The Uptake has a transcript of an interview conducted by Noah Kunin, Senior Political Correspondent from The UpTake, Adam Aigner of NBC News and Dana Bash of CNN with one Gayle Quinnell, who happens to be the woman from whom John McCain took the microphone at last week's town hall-style campaign appearance after she said she can't trust Obama because he's an Arab. This is the kind of "good, patriotic American" John McCain and his mindless, grilling [pit]bulldog, Sarah Palin, represent:
Quinnell :I got to tell you , you call me. It’s a long story. I’m afraid of what’s going to happen to this country.

Aigner: What would you think would happen? Do you think it would become Muslim country and what would that mean?

Quinnell: It would be bad

Aigner: So even though Senator McCain told you that he didn’t feel that was true and you ought to be more respectful, you still fear that?

Quinnell: I still do. Yeah. I’m not alone. I go to Burnsville, the main Republican headquarters and I do a lot of work over there. A lot of sending out mail and talking to people. And all the people agree with what I’m saying to you about Obama.

Aigner: Then do you feel there are a lot of volunteers for McCain who feel that way?

Quinnell: Yes. A lot of them. In fact I got a letter from another woman that goes over there to Burnsville and she sent me more things about Obama.

Aigner: What was on the letter?

Quinnell: Oh all kinds of bad things about him and how, I mean I have to tell you to call me. It’s all bad.

Reporter: Are a lot of people getting this letter and are a lot of people believeing it and is that turning a lot of votes or support for McCain?

Quinnell: Yeah I sent out 400 letters. I went to Kinkos and I got them all printed out. And I sent about 400 letters. I went in the telephone book and sent them out to people. So they can decide if they would want Obama.

Aigner: Can you give me your name again?

Quinnell: Gayle Quinnell and I honestly think that these people hear about this Obama, they wouldn’t want him.

Aigner: Because they would know what you know in the letter?

Quinnell: Yeah, he read that letter. In fact when I was standing in line , there were about eight girls, young girls standing in line. And they said “what have you got”. I had one of the letters and they said “Give it to me. I want to read it. I want to read it” And they read it. And they just went (shakes head) . They hadn’t read it before and they didn’t (unintelligible) all that information. To me it’s bad news.

Aigner: So maybe if I call you you’ll give me one of the letters maybe?

Quinnell: I sure can!

Aigner: You don’t have another one on you now?

Quinnell: No I don’t. But I can give you what I got and I can give you what she sent me in the mail.

Aigner: I’d be interested to read it.

Quinnell: OK

Aigner: and can you spell your name for me?

Quinnell: Q-U-I-N-N-E-L-L

Aigner: E-L-L? And Gayle is just…

Quinnell: G-A-Y-L-E


Aigner: And and I’m sorry how old are you ma’am?

Quinnell: I’m 75

Aigner: 75?

Quinnell: (Nods yes) And I got a lot of grandkids and a lot of kids, I’ve got five kids. I got seven grandkids and they all think the same way.

There's more of it, and it's all horrific.

And I don't want to hear anything about how we have to cut her some slack because she's 75. This is like saying we have to ignore John McCain's obvious cognitive deterioration because he was a POW. Age is no excuse for ignorance. My mother is 81, Jewish, and a big supporter of Israel. She's at times in the past said things about black people that made my jaw drop. But that was then and this is now and she's down at the Democratic headquarters near where she lives a few times a week answering phones and giving out Obama bumper stickers, and she thinks Barack Obama is a fine young man and just loves that wife of his and their adorable little girls. So I don't want to hear about how willful ignorance and bigotry and hate go with the territory just because you're old. They only go with the territory if you're an idiot like Gayle Quinnell.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Which is enough to raise this question all the more:

"Whose side are YOU on?"

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah, the people excusing her are nauseating.

I have never been so afraid for my country as I am right now.

Blogger Unknown said...
Meet An Average McCain Voter

Is that kind of like a "typical white person?"