"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Thursday, September 11, 2008

OK, that's it. This woman is a wacko who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near Washington
Posted by Jill | 7:52 PM
Is anyone else reminded of Britney Spears in Fahrenheit 9/11 while watching this clip from Sarah Palin's interview by Charles Gibson?

This is what's scary:

GIBSON: Are you in favor of putting Georgia and Ukraine into NATO?

PALIN: (shrugs) Ukraine, definitely yes...and Georgia. Putin thinks otherwise, obviously he thinks otherwise, but --

GIBSON: But under the NATO treaty, wouldn't we then have to go to war if Russia went into Georgia?

PALIN: (Nods) P..perhaps so. I mean, if that is the agreement, when you are a NATO ally is that when another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help.

She's clearly just throwing words around and making stuff up. Her peeps like tough talk, so she's talking tough. Yes, folks, Sarah Palin wants to prove how big her penis is by going to war with Russia. But hey, at least she's not black, right? Who cares if she's willing to provoke global thermonuclear war, at least she's not a ni---- with a funny name. And hey, she's a hockey mom and you can see Russia from Alaska. That makes her a Russian expert, right?

In Idiot America, yes.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love the Pat Buchanan segment on Rachel Maddow's new show. Pat B said last night basically that it doesn't matter what Palin does, they like her. They don't care about ethics violations, lies - they like that she's tough, is photographed with a rifle on the cover of Newsweek, and won a beauty contest.

Blogger Bob said...
If a NATO nation is attacked, member nations are called up to help but are not obliged to respond militarily. She seems to have gotten that that one right. But, bringing an unstable nation with unsettled territorial matters into NATO won't make it stable or settle those matters. Georgia's membership in NATO is not a solution, a view probably held by nearly all other NATO nations.

Blogger prin said...
has the entire interview been posted yet? i listened but was cleaning house and packing so i didn't get to see her facial expressions and it all sounded like she was given the questions beforehand but i'd have to see the expressions first...as much as i don't like her i can't say she's an idiot like i want to. i don't think you can get over like she has being an idiot.

Blogger prin said...
oh, wacko, yes...idiot, no :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is really good news. Watching this, my pessimism yawned, curled up in my lap and took a nap. It certainly summoned up painful flashbacks of The President Who Shall Be Named, and I know that's definitely not what the Republican brain trust intended.

Inconceivable. An unscripted Sarah Palin magically turns into Dubya's meek, not-so-bright little sister. Who woulda thunk it? And if these nerf balls tossed by Charlie Gibson confused her, what would Mike Wallace do to her?

I can imagine a smiling and relaxed Joe Biden smoking a cigarette somewhere, lost in afterglow.

Blogger Unknown said...
I agree with Bob, but let's not forget that Obama *also* supports NATO membership for Georgia.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I agree with Bob, but let's not forget that Obama *also* supports NATO membership for Georgia.

But she also said:

And we have got to be vigilant. We have got to show the support, in this case, for Georgia. The support that we can show is economic sanctions perhaps against Russia, if this is what it leads to.

It doesn't have to lead to war and it doesn't have to lead, as I said, to a Cold War, but economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure, again, counting on our allies to help us do that in this mission of keeping our eye on Russia and Putin and some of his desire to control and to control much more than smaller democratic countries.

His mission, if it is to control energy supplies, also, coming from and through Russia, that's a dangerous position for our world to be in, if we were to allow that to happen.

Apparently we intend to fight for control of Russian oil supplies, not just for Georgian boundaries.

['In the former case, war could conceivably be avoided; in the latter case, we have to go to war.']

Blogger James Johnson said...
Why would we have to go to war with Russia, even if it is strongly urged in the terms of the NATO treaty, we've ignored plenty of other international treaties over the last 8 years, what difference is one more?

Blogger adam k. said...
I don't think her Georgia answer was that bad, but "they're our next-door neighbors... we can see them!" as a response to what expertise her proximity to Russia giver her... that was just scary.

The best is still the Bush doctrine stuff, though. She clearly didn't know what he meant, and was stalling. You could see in her eyes and her every gesture just how nervous and unprepared she was for this.

I really hope this gets out to people.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And how sure are we that Ms. Palin wasn't secretly and (un)consciously making a few "dog-whistle" remarks for her "Joel's Army" and "Dominionist" droogs, never mind the broader doctrine behind them, "Latter Rain," being regarded as deviant and heretical by the Assemblies of God?

(In fact, the appellation has been in effect since 1949, within a year after "Latter Rain" started making the rounds as a Canadian revival-tent ministry.)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
For gods sake, Gibson asked her Leading questions you Idiots!! Do you REALLY expect her to know 100% of ALL the answers off the top of her head? See, your USED to that from your Party because Obama will speak B/S as if it is the truth. And Besides dipsticks, if the situation Gibson asked Sarah were to arrise do you think she would have 5 seconds to come up with the World Saving Answer? Hell no, she would speak with MANY of her constituents and co-political members Dems/Reps alike and make the right choice, just not in 5 seconds. Your SO STUPID for Judging her off that interview, which she was Dead-ON 95% of it anyways, and is probably the reason your scared because she as VP is smarter than Obama as Pres. Without a TelePrompter Obama is an IDIOT!! Un-Experienced, Crooked, Bullshitartist IDIOT!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
WOW, what a bunch of Pansy-Narrowminded Twits in here, judging what Sarah Palin said in response to Gibson, a 30yr interviewer. He set her up with tough questions that the Almighty NOBama would've dodged instead of answering. SO WHAT she didn't know about the Bush Doct., it doesn't have squat to do with running ALaska. And even though a few whiney liberals that live there will come out and talk lies about her, the LARGE MAJORITY of Alaska luvs her for what she did for Alaska. NO other Governor has accomplished what she did for their state. Obama sure did NOTHING by voting PRESENT 160 times. What Fools for not seeing through his fakeness, but falling for the same lies he has used to get him where he is today. He isn't qualified to be a WalMart Manager, let alone PRESIDENT.

Blogger prin said...
-yum bb i guess you pissed him off huh?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
@PRIN... I understand your 'not an idiot' remark, and I almost want to make the same reference to Obama, but I can't bring myself to say it with honesty, because he really does not know what to do, he is just very good at making a lot of people think he does.
Obama isn't stupid, I'll give him that. He made it through Harvard, he has to have something going for him. I just wish they had offered Economics 101 for him.
Heres a funny thought... so many feminists were saying us that didn't want Hillary just didn't want to see a Woman in Office. NO, we wanted an Honest person with good Morals. YET! as soon as that very person fits the billet and so very many Americans are excited there is a sincere honest SMART Woman running for office, now we support a Woman, all of a sudden they turn the tables and say "You just want her because shes a Woman!...blah blah blah... that insults me..." AMAZING!! First we didn't want a woman now we're only voting because she is one. Do they have a CLUE what they sound like? Feminatzis' are running rampid.