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Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I hate it when the back of my head explodes
Posted by Jill | 7:08 AM
It's so messy to clean up.

But this is the most cranium-combusting load of horsepuckey I've heard since Ron Suskind wrote about the Bush aide who said that when you're an empire, you create your own reality:
Aside from the ABC interview, Palin herself has not continued to tout Alaska's proximity to Russia as an example of her foreign policy knowledge. Instead, she often mentions on the campaign trail her work in striking a deal to construct a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline from Alaska, which would lead through Canada into the continental United States, as evidence that she has been at the forefront of making the U.S. energy independent.

“In general, the main way governors get involved in foreign countries is economic - they try to get countries to invest and go on trade missions, but very rarely do they get involved in issues of national security, in part because the Constitution prevents them from doing so,” Kupchan said.

“I think its fair to say [Palin's] exposure to most foreign policy issues is minimal. Had she been a governor for a long time and gotten involved in politics on the broader national stage, that would be different.”

Asked what foreign policy credentials Palin might bring with her to Washington, Dr. Gerald McBeath, the political science department chair at the University of Alaska - Fairbanks, pointed to Alaska's military bases and said that Palin would certainly be aware of security operations surrounding them.

“It used to be more critical in the Cold War than it is now,” McBeath added.

McBeath also noted that Alaska is within striking range of missiles that could be launched from North Korea.

A senior campaign aide who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity admitted that Palin's knowledge of Russia may be limited to the way someone from Miami might obtain a general feel for Latin America.

“It is very much being able to look off the tip of Alaska,” the aide said. “Metaphorically, I'm talking about.”

And I guess someone who goes to the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas gets a "general feel" for Egypt. And someone who has a burger at Margaritaville gets a "general feel" for Jamaica. And someone who spends a day at the Jersey Shore gets a "general feel" for oceanography.

I could go on all day, but you get the point.

It's a shandeh for this country that the McCain campaign can even think it could get away with this.


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Blogger prin said...
OMG! Jill, you just have to go read this:


It is without a doubt the funniest thing I have read so far in this campaign! At first read I thought surely it must be parody. Then I kept reading. After spitting coffee all over the place and with tears rolling down my face I decided I must come share it with you :) I can not imagine just how tired she must be...

Blogger prin said...

here it is again, i noticed it didn't all show up.

Blogger prin said...
ok, crap so i've been corrected, it is satire...but still worth the read :)

Blogger Bob said...
You'll learn a lot more about Latin America - especially Cuba - in Miami than you will about Russia in Alaska. The political views in Miami are overwhelmingly anti-Castro, but the culture is everywhere. I can find out more about Colombia on Morris Ave. in Elizabeth than Palin can know about 21st Century Russia in Wasilla.

Blogger D. said...
Shouldn't Gov. Palin be doing outside reading and informational interviewing at this stage?

And it would be wise of her to reconcile with the polar panzerbears.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
IIBC, about the closest in Alaska one can get to see Russia is on Little Diomede Island, which is but three miles from, and a day ahead of, Russian Big Diomede Island.

(Note where I say "a day ahead of," inasmuch as the International Date Line parallels the United States-Russian border in the Bering Straits. That, and the fact of Big Diomede Island, in Russian Time Zone 11 [RTZ 11] being two hours ahead of Little Diomede Island, in Alaska/Yukon Standard Time [AYST].)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OMG, I went to Latin America once! I stood five feet from Princess Grace! I met Monty Hall in Monte Carlo and I knew better than to have five kids!

I'm Vice Presidential!