"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ask your friends this:
Posted by Jill | 12:43 PM
Ask them to, when they tuck their kids into bed tonight, if they really want a hothead with anger management problems and an ignoramus who thinks she's a Russia expert because you can see Russia from Alasa running the show with stuff like this going on:
Russia flexed its muscles in America’s backyard yesterday as it sent one of its largest warships to join military exercises in the Caribbean. The nuclear-powered flagship Peter the Great set off for Venezuela with the submarine destroyer Admiral Chabanenko and two support vessels in the first Russian naval mission in Latin America since the end of the Cold War.

“The St Andrew flag, the flag of the Russian Navy, is confidently returning to the world oceans,” Igor Dygalo, a spokesman for the Russian Navy, said. He declined to comment on Russian newspaper reports that nuclear submarines were also part of the expedition.

The voyage to join the Venezuelan Navy for manoeuvres came only days after Russian strategic nuclear bombers made their first visit to the country. Hugo Chávez, the President, said then that the arrival of the strike force was a warning to the US. The vehemently antiAmerican Venezuelan leader is due to visit Dmitri Medvedev, the Russian President, in Moscow this week as part of a tour that includes visits to Cuba and China.

Peter the Great is armed with 20 nuclear cruise missiles and up to 500 surface-to-air missiles, making it one of the most formidable warships in the world. The Kremlin has courted Venezuela and Cuba as tensions with the West soared over the proposed US missile shield in Eastern Europe and the Russian invasion of Georgia last month. Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister, said recently that Russia should “restore its position in Cuba” – the nation where deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in 1962 brought Russia and the United States to the brink of nuclear war.

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Blogger Charles D said...
I suppose if we are going to put missile defense installations in the former Soviet republics to protect Europe for Iran(??!), then we have no right to object to a bit of muscle-flexing in our backyard. I doubt God will tell Sarah to see it that way.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Has Palin actually gone to a part of Alaska where she actually could see Russia ? If so, did she view Russian soil ? If not, then how does Alaska bordering on Russia make any difference -- she might as well be in North Dakota !

Blogger Teacher Mom said...
I shudder to think of either McCain or Palin - especially Palin - staring Putin down. Get ready for the next confrontation.

Blogger Unknown said...
I think Palin is more qualified than Biden as VP. She has run a city and a state, whereas Biden has just been in the Senate. She has 10 years of executive experience compared to zero for Biden. I think that is why I read today from that Joe Biden is planning to step out of the race within the next 2 weeks so Hillary Clinton can get on Obama's ticket. The reason for bowing out will allegedly be for health reasons (supposed aneurysm?), even though his good health was already confirmed before his nomination as VP running mate. He's not getting hardly any press coverage compared to Palin. His stepping down sounds like a scam just to get Hillary's supporters and stir up the media.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only place in Alaska where you can actually see Russian territory is the small island of Little Diomede out in the middle of the Bering Strait.

It is a little over 2 miles from BIG Diomede which is Russian. And on a rare good weather day you can see the other side. Natives occasionally make the trip in small boats. And IIRC, somebody swan across as a stunt maybe 20 years ago!

Just GETTING TO Little Diomede is daunting. The weather is AWFUL out there. There is NO airport on the island and you either land via lighter on a rocky "beach" or you fly in via helicopter on those days when the weather permits. Most supplies arrive via the annual barge, common for seaside Alaskan villages.

I would actually be very surprised if ANY Alaskan governor has visited Diomede. There are hardly enough people [a small Eskimo community] there to justify the risk. No votes to speak of!

However, Ms Palin and her husband do have fishing permits and they do fish the Bering Sea. It would not be inconceivable that at one time or another they had the boat in the area nearby where you could see the Russian island. Unlikely, but possible!

Otherwise, IF she ever saw Russian territory it was from the air. A jet flying over the Bering Strait could easily view Russia, assuming the weather cooperated, and it is certain that she has flown to/from Nome multiple times. The IronDog snowmachine race ends there and her husband has won it several times. She would also have campaigned there.

Blogger Rhode Island Rules said...
Hee, hee, oh innocent troll James. Joe Biden had a boat load of foreign policy experience. He has been in the Senate for 30 years and is considered one of the experts on foreign policy.
Are you saying that Palin's speed dating at the UN is enough to catch her up?
Sarah's executive experience? A few years on town council of a town of 5,000, followed by being mayor of a town of 5,500, screwing up so badly in the first 6 months that she had to hire a town administrator even though the county/borough handled all of the emergency services and tax collection for the town.
I work for a volunteer fire district that covers a town of 30,000 and our tax collector doesn't seem to need help, nor do we have a mayor on top of a town administrator.
So now you think she is ready to lead the whole country? I don't think either my town manager or my fire district tax collector is ready to be a state representative, never mind a state congressman or senator and no way near ready to be VP or President and we are 5 times the size of Wasilla albeit in the smallest state in the union.