So what do you think the wingnut response will be to the killing of Osama Bin Laden on Barack Obama's watch?
I'll start:
"How DARE he keep children awake on a school night delaying his remarks!"
"He kept Americans, some of whom lost loved ones on 9/11, waiting while his speechwriters told him what to say."
"This is George Bush's victory. After all, it was he who started the war in Afghanistan."
"This proves Obama is a Muslim. Obviously other Muslims turned Bin Laden in."
Post your own projections and overhearings in the comments.
POST-SPEECH UPDATE: It's doubly sweet that this has happened on Codpiece Day. And kudos to Obama for NOT giving credit to George W. Bush, who let Osama Bin Laden go at Tora Bora and barely six months after the 9/11 attacks, was saying this:
ANOTHER UPDATE: Oy. Ida Siegel, reporting from lower Manhattan for MSNBC, just referred to "Obama" being dead. Barack Obama has been president for over two years already. You'd think people would know how to pronounce his name by now.
Since my projection was that until January 2009, Mr. bin Laden was living in the basement of the White House, I have to imagine wingnuts barking about how unethical it is to kill people in their witness-protection program.
Since I just heard about this myself, I'd better go listen to the official record. ;-)
From what I see on the wingnut sites that I frequent, the predominate sentiment is one of joy. As it should be. Any American who doesn't celebrate this news should be ashamed.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to listening to "America, Fuck Yeah!!" on my iPod.
"This is George Bush's victory. After all, it was he who started the war in Afghanistan." Yes, and let's give credit to Henry VIII for the splendid recent Royal Wedding !
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Since I just heard about this myself, I'd better go listen to the official record. ;-)
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to listening to "America, Fuck Yeah!!" on my iPod.
Actually already heard this from my co-worker. Clowns..
Yes, and let's give credit to Henry VIII for the splendid recent Royal Wedding !