"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" -Oscar Wilde |
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"The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself." -- Proverbs 11:25 |
Last night, Angle sat for a grueling interview with Nevada journalist Jon Ralston, and in a key moment, she clarified her position: She said we should cut unemployment benefits to encourage those who lost their jobs to reenter the labor force at a lower level than they left it.
The key moment came after Ralston pressed Angle to clarify her earlier remarks about unemployment benefits spoiling Americans. Angle claimed she'd been misrepresented, and suggested that the problem is that unemployment benefits are so high that they discourage people from going out and finding lower lower level jobs:What has happened is the system of entitlement has caused us to have a spoilage with our ability to go out and get a job...There are some jobs out there that are available. Because they have to enter at a lower grade and they cannot keep their unemployment, they have to make a choice now.
We're making them make a choice between unemploment benefits and going back to work and working up through the ranks of that job and actually building up a good wage again...
What we need to do is make that unemployment benefit go down, not just completely remove the safety net from them while they go out and go to work.
An incredulous Ralston asked: "If people lose their jobs through no fault of their own, as many have during this recession, Sharron Angle's solution is to cut their unemployment benefits so low so they're somehow gonna go out and find jobs that don't exist?"
Angle confirmed that this is precisely her position: "There are jobs that do exist. That's what we're saying, is that there are jobs. That those jobs are entry level jobs..."
Labels: evil, Greedy Republican Bastards, heartlessness
Is irony still alive? That was snark....
Second of all: There are many long-term unemployed who would be happy to take a job that pays $10/hour. The problem, particularly for those who are highly educated, is that they are deemed "overqualified" under the doctrine of You Won't Want This Crappy Pay Forever And Will Move On When Something Better Comes Along.
Until you can identify ONE SPECIFIC PERSON that fits your description, your statements are nothing but horsepuckey.
Your profile has the word "teacher" in it. Are you in fact a teacher in the public school system? If so, how do you get off criticizing casualties of the private sector when your pay and benefits come from taxpayers?
Unemployment pays something like $350 a week (at least here in Michigan). I guess my math is a bit off- that only equals $9/hour. But my point remains- even $9 is still above what minimum wage jobs pay, so it still dissuades people from getting jobs and being productive, and as long as it is extended people won't take jobs that pay less than $9/hour, so myself and Angle are correct in our logic, and not crazy or evil.
Come on, you are embaressing yourself with this line of argument. You pretend like you care about people, but instead of making people who can work work, you want them to continue to suck down tax dollars, stealing that money from the truely needy, the environment, national defense, or (if it is just debt), my kids and grandkids. Be compasionate, please, and make these people with their fancy degrees and extensive job history find a job.
Jill is right. Many people with "fancy degrees" and an "extensive job history" are willing to work for $9 or $10/hr, but their credentials would lead prospective employers to think they're overqualified and pass on hiring them.