"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" -Oscar Wilde |
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"The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself." -- Proverbs 11:25 |
The tough environment has been especially disorienting for older and more experienced workers like Cynthia Norton, 52, an unemployed administrative assistant in Jacksonville.
“I know I’m good at this,” says Ms. Norton. “So how the hell did I end up here?”
Administrative work has always been Ms. Norton’s “calling,” she says, ever since she started work as an assistant for her aunt at 16, back when the uniform was a light blue polyester suit and a neckerchief. In the ensuing decades she has filed, typed and answered phones for just about every breed of business, from a law firm to a strip club. As a secretary at the RAND Corporation, she once even had the honor of escorting Henry Kissinger around the building.
But since she was laid off from an insurance company two years ago, no one seems to need her well-honed office know-how.
Ms. Norton has sent out hundreds of résumés without luck. Twice, the openings she interviewed for were eliminated by employers who decided, upon further reflection, that redistributing administrative tasks among existing employees made more sense than replacing the outgoing secretary.
One employer decided this shortly after Ms. Norton had already started showing up for work.
Ms. Norton is reluctant to believe that her three decades of experience and her typing talents, up to 120 words a minute, are now obsolete. So she looks for other explanations.
Employers, she thinks, fear she will be disloyal and jump ship for a higher-paying job as soon as one comes along.
Sometimes she blames the bad economy in Jacksonville. Sometimes she sees age discrimination. Sometimes she thinks the problem is that she has not been able to afford a haircut in a while. Or perhaps the paper her résumé is printed on is not nice enough.
The problem cannot be that the occupation she has devoted her life to has been largely computerized, she says.
“You can’t replace the human thought process,” she says. “I can anticipate people’s needs. Usually, I give them what they want before they even know they need it. There will never be a machine that can do that.”
Ms. Norton has spent most of the last two years working part time at Wal-Mart as a cashier, bringing home about a third of what she had earned as an administrative assistant. Besides the hit to her pocketbook, she grew frustrated that the work has not tapped her full potential.
“A monkey could do what I do,” she says of her work as a cashier. “Actually, a monkey would get bored.”
Ms. Norton says she cannot find any government programs to help her strengthen the “thin bootstraps” she intends to pull herself up by. Because of the Wal-Mart job, she has been ineligible for unemployment benefits, and she says she made too much money to qualify for food stamps or Medicaid last year.
“If you’re not a minority, or not handicapped, or not a young parent, or not a veteran, or not in some other certain category, your hope of finding help and any hope of finding work out there is basically nil,” Ms. Norton says. “I know. I’ve looked.”
Ms. Norton, for her part, may be reluctant to acknowledge that many of her traditional administrative assistant skills are obsolete, but she has tried to retrain — or as she puts it, adapt her existing skills — to a new career in the expanding health care industry.
Even that has proved difficult.
She attended an eight-month course last year, on a $17,000 student loan, to obtain certification as a medical assistant. She was trained to do front-office work, like billing, as well as back-office work, like giving injections and drawing blood.
The school that trained her, though, neglected to inform her that local employers require at least a year’s worth of experience — generally done through volunteering at a clinic — before hiring someone for a paid job in the field.
She says she cannot afford to spend a year volunteering, especially with her student loan coming due soon. She has one prospect for part-time administrative work in Los Angeles — where she once had her own administrative support and secretarial services business, SilverKeys — but she does not have the money to relocate.
“If I had $3,000 in my pocket right now, I would pack up my S.U.V., grab my dog and go straight back,” she says. “That’s my only answer.”
With so few local job prospects and most of her possessions of value already liquidated she has considered selling her blood to help pay for the move. But she says she cannot find a market for that, either; blood collection agencies, she said, told her they do not buy her blood type.
“Sometimes I think I’d be better off in jail,” she says, only half joking. “I’d have three meals a day and structure in my life. I’d be able to go to school. I’d have more opportunities if I were an inmate than I do here trying to be a contributing member of society.”
Labels: economic death watch, employment
The guide told him that, no, he would not be allowed to bid using his equipment. No heavy equipment was allowed on these jobs; the government prohibits it.
What? exclaimed Tom. How can that be. How can contractors make any money without using their equipment?
"Senor," our guide responded, "the government is not concerned about the contractor making money. The government is concerned about these men being able to feed their families."
Why, yes, Jill, indeed we are.
We've heard a lot from the pundit class lately about the "output gap." Quite appropriately, they mention the work that unemployed people could be doing. For those acquainted with the U-6 measure, they may also mention the people who are working fewer hours than they'd like.
But we never hear about the most frightening output gap, that between the skills and education that people possess and their actual job prospects. We're perfectly happy to throw whole job categories out (or overseas) with no regard for what the people in those categories might do with their lives (note we still call it "job loss," rather than the more accurate "career loss").
We cling to the notion, promoted by everyone from the President on down, that college is the answer, no matter the mismatch between what is learned and what is needed. We listen dutifully when yet another tech CEO appears on a talk show and tells young people to get those STEM degrees, ignoring the unpleasant reality that he isn't actually pledging to hire any of those degree holders (not when he can get them cheaper in China or India).
So, indeed we are willing to throw people on the dung heap, discount their training and abilities, and sit back as ever-increasing numbers of us fall into faux obsolescence, even as the professional natterers parrot the idea that "we just can't find people who have needed skills, so we'll have to hire people from foreign lands, and it's just our good fortune that they work for 10 to 20 cents on the dollar."
Got an email from a guy and his wife that had screwed me over about 10 years ago. Nothing major, just one of those, I don't want to have contact with these people.
Both working fast food, double jobs, but no benefits, no future.
Living in a one bedroom apartment with two other people in NY City.
Got an email. $100 or we are on the street. The food stamps and the stolen food from work are feeding us. Electricity is at 60 degrees. Sent $200 and suggested moving back to California and living with the inlaws.
Got an email from a contractor, telling me he and his wife were selling everything and moving back in with his mother in law. Nothing left for retirement or to start over. Too old.
It is getting bad.
I was just -- like 6 months ago -- hired as an engineer by a government contractor. Security clearance and the whole shebang!
Of the 20-some members of my work group, fewer than 1/2 are US born. Because of the security clearance, all are US citizens [most naturalized in the last 10 years]. Of the non-US born most are Indian with a smattering of Chinese [Taiwanese, Honk Kong] and the odd Irish, British, and Norwegian.
I'm the last -- and only recent -- US born employee [I'm over 60!]. My manager is quite frank that he can't find US born engineers -- for whatever reason.
I know US born engineers who are unemployed. I've passed along the company data to them. None have yet applied. "I don't do that" [avionics and computer system design and development] is the most common reason I get...
The pay is good and the work appears to be long-term.
I don't know what's wrong! I just know that I'm about to start a Master course in Electrical Engineering conducted on company premises and fully paid by them. "Don't do that" indeed!