"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Thursday, July 24, 2008

I for one welcome our new feline overlords
Posted by Jill | 1:36 PM

In the future, we will all be like this woman.
We will have no choice.
They will have taken over.

Global warming could lead to more kittens
By Eoin O'Carroll | 07.23.08

Each year it seems to get worse and worse,” said Christina Gin, an animal shelter volunteer in Hayward, Calif., to the Hayward Daily Review earlier this month.

She was talking about the shelter’s surplus of kittens, a problem that animal shelters across the country face every summer. But lately, it seems that there have been more and more of the furry carnivores.

Ms. Gin blames global warming for the feline glut, and she’s not alone. The Humane Society has observed that kitten season, which usually starts in March and April, has been starting earlier and lasting longer.

(UPDATED 7/25/08 to cut the size of the quote, because the Christian Science Monitor turned me over its knee and spanked me for reprinting too much of their article. I suppose I should feel flattered that they actually read this blog.)


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Anonymous Anonymous said...
The video was interesting, the oddest thing was how the couple kept saying the kitten would have died without the crow. What? They don't know how to operate a cat food can opener? And the idea that the animals did it out of youth and ignorance, because animals are not capable of much more...well, maybe the animals just know how stupid half the human populace is becoming?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
umm, Meow?

Blogger Melina said...
well, you know I'm not much of a cat person...but even as a lover of all animals, that scares the hell out of me! There is actually an action figure of that woman at Archie MacPhee, I think.
The thing that Ive noticed among the hysteria to save one species or another of one wild bird or another, is that the weather has changed everything. Up in CT we stopped having deep frosts a few years back and so the ticks have multiplied like crazy leading to more spraying...the frogs often have an extra leg or some other deformity, and the mouse population is through the roof...the deer population is way, way up too...there is tons of food, many bugs, too many mosquitoes with disease...no major predators but many predators such as fishers are making a strong comeback along with bobcats and coyotes....small dogs are disappearing up by me. Lost cats? forget it!
the balance of everything is changing due to warming, and where we once were worried about iconic figures like polar bears , we are going to be seeing huge shifts on levels that we are less aware of, like bacteria, molds, and small bugs...and thats not good considering the delicate balance of life and how easily we could be wiped away from this place.
food, fuel, weather...and the crazy cat lady....

next: soylent green is kittens! or, the next and newest fuel source!