(Pic courtesy of
Alicia at Hooterville.)
When the time is right for
the invasion of another Muslim nation on false pretenses but inconvenient facts like the NIE ring the doorbell… (ding dong!)
…there’s CYAlis.
Developed by right wing political scientists to combat electile dysfunction, CYAlis restores the worst of legacies by
facilitating blood flow in innocent Muslims, ensuring that one can still respond to the demands of the CFI, Bilderburg Group and PNAC even after seven years.
(Side effects may include xerophthalmia or the inability to produce tears, hardening of the arteries and the heart and some atrophy of the soul. Do not use in the company of liberals or in conjunction with any other major military engagement or inconvenient National Intelligence Estimates.)
CYAlis. Because covering your ass is always more important than doing the right thing.
Too bad that there is so much truth in this...so sad...
This cracked me up!!!
Too funny - thank you!!