"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" -Oscar Wilde |
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"The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself." -- Proverbs 11:25 |
I have been trying to figure out the inaction of the government in saving the lives of the people in New Orleans. It makes no sense that we can't airlift and drop water and food into the city.
What really is happening is a PsyOps and mind f**k of the American people by sacrificing the lives of the poor in New Orleans.
The goals (a.k.a. rigged solution) appear to be:
1. The call for a "strong leader" (otherwise known as a dictator). I keep hearing this from different newscasters such as Bill O'Reilly and others. Verbatim they keep saying: "What we need is a strong leader." (Dictator Cheney perhaps after a "false flag" terrorist attack?)
2. Grooming Rudy Giuliani for 2008 presidency. The newscasters use Rudy Giuliani during 9/11 as an example of a "strong leader". Well, it is widely know that Giuliani is running for president in 2008 as a republican.
3. To stir up racial tensions in cities and to create general fear. The hidden thought line here is: "We need a dictator to protect us from black looters during a national emergency."
"Tricks used by world manipulators include Hegelian dialectics and false dichotomies. Hegelian dialectics is better known as problem-reaction-solution, whereby a problem is created to push people into accepting a rigged solution. Incidents such as the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine massacre, and 9/11 attacks were engineered by the shadow government to justify the further removal of freedoms from the populace to "keep them safe." Ultimately, liberty traded for security leads to slavery."
The process of saving lives in a disaster scenario does not require a "strong leader". These are operations that can be easily scripted. Resources need to be pre-positioned. Forces need to be sent to restore order. It's not rocket science, folks!
First of all, they should have had the drinking water, food, and medicine pre-positioned in the city. Second, they needed thousands of National Guard troops in the New Orleans city to preserve order. (They could have added hundreds of doctors and nurses, too, for good measure.) Lastly, all police and military should have had military level communication systems in place immediately after the storm left the area.
Believe me, this so-called "need" for a "strong leader" will be rammed down our throats by the media and the politicians in the coming months.
The Soviet woodpecker interference grid over the U.S. can easily be used to influence and control the weather, and for over a decade the Soviets have manipulated the weather over the U.S. and other parts of the world.
By the peculiar title of this slide, we wish to call attention to the fact that, in the exothermic mode of scalar interferometry riding on the woodpecker radar signals, each of the woodpecker grid interference cells can act as a little "virtual transmitter." It's exactly as if the Soviets had been permitted to enter the U.S. and build thousands of EM transmitters at regular intervals all over the country!
And of course it's even worse. In the endothermic mode, it's as if the Soviets had been permitted to enter the U.S. and build thousands of "cold generators" all over the U.S. That is, in that mode, each of the "transmitters" can actually extract electromagnetic energy.
These two modes have enabled the Soviet Union to drastically manipulate the weather at will over the U.S. during the last decade (and similarly, for other places as well.)
It's almost as if someone called someone at the CIA and asked what to do, and was told "psyops."
I never WAS paranoid, but stories of looters shooting at Helicopters? "Rapes" in the Superdome? Endless footage of looters?
They're planting the story and trying to make Americans think these people "got what they deserved."
This shit is primaeval level propaganda. This is ugly.
The US has only officially accepted first aid kits, blankets, water trucks and 500,000 MREs from the EU and another set of MREs from NATO. That's it. The EU and NATO want to give more, but that's all that's been taken in so far.
All help from the UN still awaits the green light from the White House. They have offered medical teams, cash grants, and tents. None of it has been accepted.
The UN has also offered to take the burden off of the US State Department and organize the aid effort, but State has refused that offer.
The OAS stands ready to offer anything we ask for. We've asked for nothing.
WHO has offered the same. Our response has been the same.
The UN Commission for Refugees ... same offer, same response.
Nigeria wants to give 1 million dollars.
China has offered 5 million, divisions of its armed forces, and physicians.
Japan has offered 200,000 dollars, tents, blankets, and power generators.
India is offering 5 million, as well as any requested medicines.
Singapore offered helicopters. The Feds said no, and TX took them. TX National Guard is deploying the helicopters directly to NOLA.
South Korea will give us whatever we ask for. We've asked for nothing.
Afghanistan wants to give us 100,000.
Sri Lanka wants to give us 25,000
Taiwan wants to give us 3 million.
Canada's Navy is still on hold. That's rescue workers and supplies just being held at bay by mild threats of being attacked if they go against the Federal level refusal.
Cuba has offered 26 tons of medicine and 1,100 physicians. He has offered to send it to NOLA. Then he offered to send it to Houston. No acceptance.
Mexico is taking the "Canada route." They have 15 truckloads of water waiting at the border, with food and medical supplies. The Mexican navy has offered to send two ships, two helicopters and 15 amphibious vehicles. All waiting. No answer. 1 million dollars as well.
Venezuela is offering as much cheap fuel as we ask for. AS MUCH AS WE NEED TO FIX THIS MESS. No answer. Chavez also wants to send relief workers with supplies.
Australia's 10 million hasn't been accepted either.
The French are offering rescue teams, civil defense forces, tents, camp beds, generators, motor pumps, water treatment units and emergency kits, two CASA cargo aircraft, a ship (Batral Francis Garnier), the frigate Ventose with its Panther helicopter, and a hurricane disaster unit. France also has offered several aircraft. In addition, the NGO Telecoms Sans Frontieres, which specializes in restoring phone lines and Internet service in disasters, is ready to send a team of experts and equipment. Veolia Environment, which has facilities in Louisiana, has offered to make its local water management resources available. Nothing. Not a one of these has been given the green light.
Germany has offered a range of assistance, including medical and transportation services, water treatment capabilities and aid in searching for victims and supplies. Germany also has said it is ready and willing to "dip into its own emergency oil reserves" to release some 2 million barrels a day for 30 days. Someone try to convince me that Bush isn't trying to drive up the price of oil.
Italy has offered to send aid and evacuation specialists immediately, Italy's civil protection unit said. Authorities have prepared two military transport planes to fly amphibious vessels, pumps, generators, tents and personnel to New Orleans, Louisiana, and other areas. They were awaiting word from U.S. officials, the unit said.
The Netherlands will provide teams for inspecting dikes and for identifying victims if there is a formal request from the United States. It also will send a frigate from Curacao in the Netherlands Antilles to New Orleans shortly to provide emergency assistance, the Dutch government said.
Russia has offered to help with rescue efforts but is awaiting a reply from Washington.
Spain expects to receive a formal request to release gasoline stocks to the United States and is prepared to grant it, an Industry Ministry spokesman said.
Sweden's Rescue Authority said it was on standby to supply water purifying equipment, health care supplies and emergency shelters if needed.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said his country stands ready to help the United States in whatever way it can.
Qatar has offered the United States $100 million to assist in the humanitarian crisis triggered by Hurricane Katrina.
Saudi Refining, a Houston-based subsidiary of state oil firm Saudi Aramco, will donate $5 million to the American Red Cross to support relief efforts for hurricane victims.
Iran has offered to send humanitarian aid to hurricane victims.