Someone please tell Rick Santorum that Puerto Ricans are already American citizens.
Dumbass teabagger Pennsylvania Governor to women:
Close your eyes and think of England.We're perfectly happy to be equal-opportunity finger-pointers at Teh Stoopid, but
is this the best you got?
OK, all you Mississippi teabaggers that Alexandra Pelosi talked with last week.
You go first.
Admit it.
You're going to miss him. I know Jon Stewart is.
This guy can ALWAYS be relied upon.
So can this one.Gail Collins,
you have the thanks of a grateful nation.
The TSA brings Teh Stoopid every day.Son of Dobson is a chip off the old block.
Oh for God's sake,
give it a rest already. Jeez.
What's tragic is that there are Republican men who would pay to see
Pot, kettle, etc.Live in the future! A fair for all and no fair to anybody!
Labels: Republican clown car, Teh Stoopid, The Firesign Theatre