"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Monday, September 26, 2011

Big Dick Goes to Canadian Pedophile Central

(Many tips o' the tinfoil hat to Michael Collins.)

It's true. No need to blink or rub your eyes at that headline. At 5:30 this afternoon, Dick Cheney is going to 915 West Hastings St., the address of the Vancouver Club to pimp his new book, Yeah, I Waterboarded Innocent Brown People and If You Don't Like it, You Can Suck My Big, Withered Dick.

Now, to my Yank readers, Vancouver's just a clean, civilized city that's the home to the hapless but lovable losers who went down in flames in Game 7 of the last Stanley Cup and the place where loves blooms on the streets amid chaos (or maybe not). And you'd be partially right.

And Cheney is going to be speaking today at an alleged hotbed that features to its most discreet members kidnapping, pedophilia, torture and possibly murder. It may surprise you (or maybe not) that our big Dick Cheney is going to be squarely in the middle of all that in the interests of book sales. And it may even be that Cheney himself is blissfully unaware of the Vancouver Club's sordid history and that delivering a speech at this house of depravity and torture is yet another in a string of coincidences that follows Republicans like Pigpen's dust cloud.

Or it could be that Cheney doesn't give a rat's ass where and how he makes his money.

Canadian attorney Gail Davidson has issued a plea (.pdf file) to the highest levels of the Canadian government asking that Dick Cheney be barred from the country on the basis of having committed, by her reckoning, 269 war crimes, some of which Cheney freely admits to in his book. Cheney's appearance in Vancouver BC even has its own Facebook page that calls for his arrest.

The story, typically, has been strenuously ignored by the worthless American corporate MSM but even many of the bloggers who've written about Cheney's upcoming speech failed to connect this to the other big dot, which is that the Vancouver Club has been the subject of the liveliest interest of attorneys, former police officials and journalists for quite a long time, 17 years, to be more precise.

Their website, naturally, doesn't give the slightest hint of its sordid history that includes two Canadian Supreme Court judges, police officials, church lawyers, businessmen and politicians. In fact, the index page looks like the gay edition of a Brooks Brothers catalog featuring the kind of smarmy, yuppie up-and-comers modeling its American Psycho line that only John Aravosis would love. Funny how it fails to mention the aboriginal children they keep in the dungeons below.

Yeah, there's that, eh?

It all began with another Canadian attorney named Jack Cram who'd entered a lawsuit in April of 1994 naming two Supreme Court judges for their alleged complicity in this pedophile ring that operates openly right in the middle of squeaky clean downtown Vancouver. Despite two of the judges being disbarred, Cram was "arrested, drugged and jailed", while the evidence (including incriminating photographs) against the Vancouver Club and the jurists was stolen. In other words, they gave him the Susan Lindauer treatment.

Amazingly, despite these two child-molesting judges having been disbarred, they threatened a lawsuit against two papers that attempted their own investigations.

More recently, Kevin Annett, an investigator with the IHRAAM, was and still is allegedly made the focus of a COINTELPRO smear campaign carried out by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and even aboriginal agents obviously to discourage him from further investigation.

Hm. There's that aboriginal connection again. What's with the aborigines?
2. Aboriginal children have been a prime target of the Vancouver Club pedophile ring, which involves senior judges, church lawyers, businessmen and politicians. To quote Jack Cram's statement in the BC Supreme Court on April 26, 1994, "Indian children go into the Vancouver Club and are never seen again." As recently as the summer of 2009, aboriginal children have been observed being taken against their will into the rear entrance of the Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings street from the Squamish Indian reserve in North Vancouver, during the hours of 1 and 3 am.

Then there's this, from the United Nations:
4. A United Nations conference on child trafficking, held in Vancouver in September, 1999, confirmed in its summary report that Vancouver is one of three cities in the world where "organized child prostitution and trafficking operates with unofficial police and judicial protection ... including at the elite Vancouver Club."

Yeah, that must've gone over well considering that conference took place in their city.

The website given to me by Michael Collins and for which I've provided a link is just the tippy tip of the iceberg. If you want more background on the Vancouver Club, their child molesting ring and the people with whom they're figuratively in bed, read these horrific accounts provided through videotaped depositions.

When you see what's been going on in Vancouver, BC for the last half century and longer, you'll naturally bridge that gap and form the same conclusions I have. I won't name names, of course, but the initials are MKULTRA.

By coincidence, I'm furiously engaged in drafting out a novel about this very same thing. In fact, I'd shown a chapter to Michael Collins and Susan Lindauer and Collins thought the link to Exopolitics would interest me. Yeah, you could say that. And what I've been reading since last night puts even my potent imagination to shame. Educate yourself. Follow the links I've provided. Find more on your own. No time? Make it. This is some heavy duty shit. Rich fucks, buddies and supporters of Dick Cheney, are kidnapping, molesting, torturing, brainwashing and possibly even murdering children with the complicity and protection of NORAD, the RCMP, the Vancouver PD, the highest judiciaries, Canadian MPs and others.

Now, doesn't it just make you wanna bust your buttons knowing that our big Dick is going to be swaying in the middle of that moral cesspool?

(More on this. Much, much more.)
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Blogger Raksha said...
Re "When you see what's been going on in Vancouver, BC for the last half century and longer, you'll naturally bridge that gap and form the same conclusions I have. I won't name names, of course, but the initials are MKULTRA."

Thank you, Jill. Even though you say it's been investigated since 1999, I didn't have a clue that anything like this has been going on in Vancouver until just now when I read your post. I haven't checked out your link yet, but I'm willing to learn the truth no matter how much it hurts. I'm familiar with the work of Michael Collins from Democratic Underground and I trust him. If he says there is something there...then there is.

Thanks again for the heads-up.


Blogger Raksha said...
Thanks for the heads-up, Jill. I didn't have a clue that anything like this was going on in Vancouver until just now when I read your post. I haven't checked out your link yet, but I'm willing to learn the truth no matter how much it hurts.

Blogger Ema Nymton said...

Mr Cheney,

Answer the following questions:

1. At what point does a USA government official become 'above the law' (national and international)?

2. Does being 'above the law' extend to only USA President/Vice President?

3. Are Secretarial Department heads also 'above the law?' How far down the chain of command does being above the law extend?

4. Do you feel free to travel outside of USA and expect to be immune to prosecution?

5. When arrested overseas, do 'above the law' USA government officials have the right to use international law in their defense?

6. Is it naive to believe the RepublicanT Party will extend the 'above the law' immunity to Mr Obama and Mr Biden after they leave office?

Ema Nymton
~@ ?

Blogger Phil said...
Well now, JP, this jiggled the last two working neurons in my brain and I do believe these very same accusations were leveled aainst the elder Bush's regime if I am right.
In our nations capitol.
Ya might want to add a couple of chapters to your book.

Blogger Raksha said...
JurassicPork: Sorry about the mistaken identity--twice! It took so long for my first post to appear that I thought it never got posted, which is why I wrote the second one. --Linda