"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Saturday, May 29, 2010

So long [Gulf of Mexico], and thanks for all the fish
Posted by Jill | 10:27 AM
I hope you all have had a chance to enjoy a tropical beach at least once in your life, because the days of sitting on pristine sands, looking at turquoise water and enjoying a dinner of fresh-caught fish are over, thanks to the oil-soaked greed of the Bush family and their cronies, the complete selling out of America to corporations, our own sense of petroleum-based entitlement, and Barack Obama's insistence on playing nice with greedy bastards:
A thick, 22-mile plume of oil discovered by researchers off the BP spill site was nearing an underwater canyon, where it could poison the foodchain for sealife in the waters off Florida.

The discovery by researchers on the University of South Florida College of Marine Science's Weatherbird II vessel is the second significant undersea plume reported since the Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20. The plume is more than 6 miles wide and its presence was reported Thursday.

The cloud was nearing a large underwater canyon whose currents fuel the foodchain in Gulf waters off Florida and could potentially wash the tiny plants and animals that feed larger organisms in a stew of toxic chemicals, another researcher said Friday.

Larry McKinney, executive director of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, said the DeSoto Canyon off the Florida Panhandle sends nutrient-rich water from the deep sea up to shallower waters.

McKinney said that in a best-case scenario, oil riding the current out of the canyon would rise close enough to the surface to be broken down by sunlight. But if the plume remains relatively intact, it could sweep down the west coast of Florida as a toxic soup as far as the Keys, through what he called some of the most productive parts of the Gulf.

Hollander said the oil they detected has dissolved into the water, and is no longer visible, leading to fears from researchers that the toxicity from the oil and dispersants could pose a big danger to fish larvae and creatures that filter the waters for food.

"There are two elements to it," Hollander said. "The plume reaching waters on the continental shelf could have a toxic effect on fish larvae, and we also may see a long term response as it cascades up the food web."

Dispersants contain surfactants, which are similar to dishwashing soap.

A Louisiana State University researcher who has studied their effects on marine life said that by breaking oil into small particles, surfactants make it easier for fish and other animals to soak up the oil's toxic chemicals. That can impair the animals' immune systems and cause reproductive problems.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
"...and Barack Obama's insistence on playing nice with greedy bastards..."

I've seen progressives continue to excuse his behavior by building complex theories (as elaborate as any right-wing conspiracy theory) to explain Obama's continual betrayal of the American people.

I think there comes a time when Occam's Razor has to come into play and you just have to accept that the simplest explanation, that Barack Obama is a (socially)moderate-(economic)right plutocrat who, far from having progressive values, devalues those traditional American ideals and actively supports the continued looting and destruction of America, is the correct explanation.

Blogger TheNastyLiberal said...
What's the line in the movie "Blade Runner" that Pris (Darryl Hannah) says to Roy (Rutger Hauer), regarding fate of the replicants? Something to the effect: "Then we're stupid, and we'll die"?

Blogger Terrible said...
anon, I fully understand what you are saying but I think a part of the reason you're seeing that is that the right wing has consistently been trying to use Obama's right wing nuttiness to ignore and cover-up the GOPs far right wing extreme nuttiness. It's not so much that progressives are covering for Obama as they are trying to expose the far right extremists.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"I think there comes a time when Occam's Razor has to come into play and you just have to accept that the simplest explanation, that Barack Obama is a (socially)moderate-(economic)right plutocrat who, far from having progressive values, devalues those traditional American ideals and actively supports the continued looting and destruction of America, is the correct explanation."

But he gives such pretty speeches.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even if this was true -
"Barack Obama is a (socially)moderate-(economic)right plutocrat who, far from having progressive values, devalues those traditional American ideals and actively supports the continued looting and destruction of America, is the correct explanation." - that does not give Americans many choices. This whole mess is still lying on the doorstep of Dick Cheney and W, and their morally and ethically corupt enablers in the Republican party and the K street lobbyists. No matter how bad Obama is, he will never be as malignantly evil as the anti-regulation, trust the corporation idiots. It is not so much an Occams Razor as much as it is a Hobson's choice. Personally, I'll still choose the side that has a better record of looking out for the interests of the average American.

Anonymous Shared Humanity said...
The situation is far worse than the ingestion of visible pollutants. The volume of organic material being released into the Gulf (50% to 85% is gas, methane, propane etc.) is food for organisms. As this gas is consumed, oxygen is consumed as well. Deep water ocean is always somewhat oxygen deficient. We could cause the deepest portions of the Gulf to become anoxic. We could very well create a dead zone that spans over 50% of the Gulf.

Anonymous LSD said...
Could we at least change the name to "Dead Gulf of Bush" and call the anoxic zone the "Black Hole of Cheney"?