"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

On Blogger Burnout...Put Down that Gun, We're All Friends Here!
Posted by Melina | 10:42 PM

I woke this morning to NPR on the clock radio, not because I especially like it but because its a station that I can get in the bedroom, and ready to wake the boy for the bus I lay still for a few and listened to the reader tell me that President Obama "imposed a $500,000 cap on bonuses" for top executives in any institution that receives bailout money from the government....and I smiled; Kick fucking ass!! I sometimes look at the muted TV and see him mouthing words, as he does daily, and I think how lucky we are to have a good president, or at least one that's trying to do some sort of right thing in this country. I never thought we would get this kind of action this fast with the way government works.

So, on this day after B.A.D. Id like to mention some higher up blogger burnout that struck me hard as I scanned the reader today. I don't read Hullabaloo every day, and as much as I could see the charm back in the thick of things, sometimes we all need a little break from the grind; heaven knows I do and am taking it. But this is the thing; I'm getting plain old fucking tired of the critics jumping all over nothing, instead of just writing a letter to the offending news outlet and calling it a day. It's not like Morning Joe doesn't spew bullshit regularly, so put down the gun, Digby, and apply yourself to more than whining about politicians waxing poetic about how long the other very important things might take.

Nothing is more important to me than health care right now; children's health care in particular, because Ive got 2 boys with special issues and a health care program that only coulda come from Chris Shays and Joe Lieberman, (they happily claim it, even though its broken, anyway,) but calm the fuck down and encourage your zillion readers to let the president know that they want it on the table this year.

Another thing; we are dealing with a president who doesn't stand on ceremony or go through the channels; he is not fucking around. How fast did he put a regulation on the bailout upper management? What I'm saying is that if Obama wants it done, no amount of hemming and hawing of the old guard about their precious schedules is gonna stop him. If other things take precedence, at least we know that when we protest and write our letters, out voices are heard! I am the worst of doubters, and even I believe that health care is important to this administration as a tip top priority.

I wouldn't go wringing your hands so fast, and anyway, whats the alternative? Would Nader have rode into town and done somehow a better job? Its time to get behind our president because the reality is that we are here with him now...as in, Be Here Now. I'm not so good at that stuff myself, but the knee jerk doubt from our side is deafening and it appears to me that if Morning Joe makes you want to blow your head off, you need a vacation. He is a moron and Mika is a sellout. One visit from Rachel Maddow would set them straight because she actually knows her stuff. So use that writing talent and write to the network.

Given that our side has most of the prime time nights, I'm not too concerned with Joe, though I did recently see Willie Geist walk past the front door of my grandfather's building pushing a stroller, surprisingly tall and apparently an upper west side family man. I turned to the doorman, who I was hanging out with on a rare mild evening and said "that guy is an idiot," a little too loud, which made Willie look at me, and made me cringe because if the kid had been older it might've made a difference....Of course I glared back in defiance, and if not for the kid I might've spit on the street and thrown a shoe...But cooler heads prevailed, because he is only a stooge trying to make a living. He cant help it that hes got no soul and is all empty frat boy shell and neocon talking points. All we can do is our part to make that type evaporate.

MSNBC is forever doing surveys to their newspanel watchers, of which I happen to be one. It is all about insane statements about Joe and Willie and Mika and how they make you feel. Do you trust them? Is he handsome? Its all very silly but they obviously are there to sell soap and at some point the numbers don't lie. It took some time for Tucker to slither away, and if the fairness doctrine is put back into some effect we may just need these assholes, (better the devil you know...right?)

So, Id like to say, stop complaining and threatening to shoot yourself in the head/pop your eyes out. Its not like any of this was gonna be easy, and if that's your reaction to what is actually the usual shit, even in light of the fact that Obama just made a move that is my idea of heaven by cutting off the cash flow to those bastards, then maybe you've got to rethink this politics thing and move on to a niche (heaven knows that's what I'm trying to do!). I think we need to know what is going on and where to write, to not only complain but to request that they have Rachel Maddow on to talk about this with Joe and Mika...if they have the guts. The Whitehouse is very easy to reach and apparently someone is reading the mail nowadays.

c/p RIP Coco

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Blogger merlallen said...
I was listening to Bob Rivers this morning and the very liberal Joe was complaining about the salary cap. Saying it wasnt right and other bullshit.
The conservative Bob asked him why he wanted his tax money to go to these people who fucked up so bad to begin with.
Joe changed his mind when he thought of it that way.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just one minor correction: It was Dday, not Digby, who wrote the post to which you linked.

Not a big deal, just to be accurate.