"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

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"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Funny....New York was America enough for Republicans to score cheap political points off it for eight years
Posted by Jill | 8:46 PM
I don't even know why I'm even surprised by this sort of thing anymore. Ben Smith at Politico transcribes the second part of Brian Williams' interview with John "No Gutter Low Enough" McCain, and his mindless, grinning bulldog of a sidekick:
WILLIAMS: Who is a member of the elite?

PALIN: Oh, I guess just people who think that they're better than anyone else. And-- John McCain and I are so committed to serving every American. Hard-working, middle-class Americans who are so desiring of this economy getting put back on the right track. And winning these wars. And America's starting to reach her potential. And that is opportunity and hope provided everyone equally. So anyone who thinks that they are-- I guess-- better than anyone else, that's-- that's my definition of elitism.

WILLIAMS: So it's not education? It's not income-based? It's--

PALIN: Anyone who thinks that they're better than someone else.

WILLIAMS: --a state of mind? It's not geography?

PALIN: 'Course not.

WILLIAMS: Senator?

MCCAIN: I-- I know where a lot of 'em live. (LAUGH)

WILLIAMS: Where's that?

MCCAIN: Well, in our nation's capital and New York City. I've seen it. I've lived there. I know the town. I know-- I know what a lot of these elitists are. The ones that she never went to a cocktail party with in Georgetown. I'll be very frank with you. Who think that they can dictate what they believe to America rather than let Americans decide for themselves.

If Keith Olbermann wasn't already doing a comment tonight, this would be fodder for one.

For eight years, Republicans have invoked the attacks on NEW YORK and WASHINGTON, DC on September 11, 2001 to further their agenda of police state, endless war, and theocracy.

Remember the 2004 Republican National Convention in.....NEW YORK?

Remember all that fearmongering, designed to keep people from realizing that the Bush Administration, with the blessing of the entire Republican Party and far too many Democrats, were using the attacks on NEW YORK and WASHINGTON -- places that according to John McCain, aren't even part of the "real America" -- was destroying this country far more effectively than nineteen guys with boxcutters did?

And now these fuckers -- this crappy pilot who hotdogged himself into getting shot down and then decided the world owed him a living after he spent five years in a Hanoi prison, and a pageant queen from Wasilla, Alaska, who's already planning Piper's inauguration dress for 2012, a woman who's sucked off the public teat to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars but thinks everyone who isn't as pretty as she as and isn't the splooge object of a million sexually frustrated neocon men should just go into a gutter and die -- these warmongering shitheads have the gall to bash NEW YORK and WASHINGTON for political expediency?

There are no words.

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Blogger Charles D said...
I can only disagree with your last sentence. There are words and you have used them. Fuckers, crappy pilot, pageant queen, sucked off the public teat, splooge object of a million sexually frustrated neocon men (I especially liked that one!) and last but not least warmongering shitheads.

Those are accurate words and sufficiently charged emotionally to convey the despicable, inept, and immoral purveyors of gutter politics that constitute the Republican Party and their chosen leaders. We can only hope that the disgust at the fetid stench of their shitty politics will embolden the Democrats to make something out of their victory.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I guess the biggest irony is the definition:

"Oh, I guess just people who think that they're better than anyone else."

Palin has made it perfectly clear that she thinks that "small-town" Americans (or "pro-America" Americans!) are better than all the rest...


Anonymous Anonymous said...
In realAmerica there are no elitists. Hardworking small town average Jo's know not condescension.(thank you spell check)...Yer avg Alaskan millionaire knows that he, or she, is not above the fray. It's them city folks with all there fancy *sharing teh wealth* ideas who think themselves morally superior, but WE know that it's all about the soundbite.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Elitists don't watch NASCAR, drink Coors and drive pickups. We prefer good bourbon, a good book, Cirque du Soleil and drive a Mini Cooper. Pick me, pick me.