"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
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"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Have I mentioned today how much I hate Mika Brzezinski?
Posted by Jill | 7:25 AM
I was literally on my way out the door, and I just heard Mika Brzezinski say on Morning Horseshit on MSNBC that "by way of balance, we should point out that what Barack Obama spends on a suit is some family's mortgage payment."

She's talking about the $150,000 in Republican National Committee funds that went to outfit Sarah Palin in designer clothing from Saks and Neiman-Marcus.

This is the $400 haircut all over again, and an even more idiotic attempt at "balance." What Barack Obama spends on his suits is his own business, AND HIS OWN MONEY. Outfitting Sarah Palin in designer duds is about the contributions of people donating money for the campaign, and instead finding themselves outfitting this woman who has already shown herself to be a greedy grubber of the money of the very Joe Sixpacks she claims to represent.

Why is it that a Republican who lives high off the hog on government expense and then presents herself as a working-class Mom is perfectly OK, but a Democrat who has the money to buy nice clothes but never forgot what he comes from and advocates policies that will help people like his late mother is somehow a hypocrite?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Haven't you heard? Having your shoes resoled when they wear out (as Obama has admitted to doing) is for snobs. So's buying a limited number of good-quality suits and keeping them in good repair until they wear out.

Frugality: It's what elitists do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
IOKIYAR - the old hypocritical oath of office they all take. And like you, I'm sick of hearing about equivalency. I think it was Campbell Brown who finally said enough with that bullshit.

I hope the few actual Republicans who donated to McCain's campaign are happy with how their money is being spent.

Blogger D. said...
I am tempted to say "She didn't get that from her father," but that would be supposition.

The last time I looked, $150,000 could buy a house in many areas of the country, mortgage-free.

(I believe the matter of Obama's suits came up earlier, at which time I noted that McCain was not exactly outfitted at Men's Wearhouse either; but then, that's probably Mrs. McCain's money.)

As to your question, either we are in a mirror universe with the labels switched, or we need to reread What's the Matter With Kansas?.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can we create a reverse internship program by which our highly paid pundits, whose feet have never touched the ground, can spend a year busing tables at the Vince Lombardi Rest Stop on the Turnpike?


Blogger Bob said...
I don't care that the RNC gave Sarah Palin a wardrobe expense account; she's a star performer. & if I were a successful, affluent politician required to wear good suits, you can bet I wouldn't be buying them off the rack for $199 at Men's Wearhouse. I'd spend what I could afford, I'd look great in them, & I'd wear them a lot.

Blogger Bob said...
P.S. We know that when Sarah's political career is over & she's a fixture on FOX & getting six figures for speeches, she'll own more shoes than Imelda. I think she has a price now & she'd rather be a media star in the lower 48 than governor of Alaska.

Blogger Rhode Island Rules said...
Well Bob, I agree with your last post. Sarah, like Huckabee, will throw over politics and service to her country in a heartbeat for the Faux News salary.
And kudos to her, she is a much better actress (with someone writing her lines) than she is a politician.
Strike while the iron is hot baby.
No keeping the baby down on the ice flow now.

Blogger Jess Wundrun said...
Here is an excerpt from an article about Obama's clothes written late in the primary season:

"Obama launched into a riff about clothes, looks, bowling and the irony of his being tagged as out of touch with working Americans.

"I think it is a fairly standard suit here," he replied. "You know, I haven't changed my approach to dressing too much. Michelle has asked me to clean up, because when she first met me I had one suit."

He noted that his wife finds the idea of her husband as an elitist dresser amusing, "because I basically ....

buy five of the same suit, and then I patch them up and wear them repeatedly."

Continuing his requested sartorial assessment, Obama confessed that he has four pairs of shoes and has recently taken to getting a haircut more frequently because "my mother-in-law makes fun of me."


Blogger Fran said...
This photo says a lot!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have disliked mika brzezinski from the start. It was always obvious that she was a man hater from the beginning and I have stopped watching MSNBC sp much (which I used to watch daily)becuase she is on there. The stunts she pulls could kill people (Paris Hilton story) and her statements are offensive to all. She only has the job because of der ol' daddy CFR member and NSA advisor to 5 Presidents. they should have fired her long ago but her spoiled brat old bag a$$ just as to plaster her chewbacca mug all over the screen every morning and make everyone's existence just a little bit harsher. Take that feminist, cackling old hen off the air so I can watch MSNBC again. It's nice that MSNBC is giving jobs to the mentally challenged but come on....have SOME standards.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hmmm, I think if she had shown up on the campaig trail wearing a men's plaid flannel shirt and toting a rifle, there would have been HUGE complaints! I am a blue state democrat, now independant, who frankly did not mind her wardrobe and thot she looked great in it. With McCain wearing $1000 imported shoes and the Obama's buying a house too expensive for them with the help of their felon friend, Rezko, what is a mere $150K in rented clothes??