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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Funny how the people who had canniptions about Hillary Clinton's role in the Clinton White House are silent on the subject of Todd Palin
Posted by Jill | 6:38 AM
When I see Todd and Sarah Palin on television, she's the flashy one. She's the one with the lunatic gleam in her eye; the Greg Stillson figure; the apocalyptic nutjob who thinks that if she can just get power and do what's necessary to get Jesus to return, she'll get a free upgrade to a balcony suite with a minibar and concierge service in Hotel Heaven. Todd, by comparison, doesn't look like quite as crazed as his wife does; he's just your garden-variety vindictive thug.

I guess that part of the IOKIYAR rule is that when the spouse is a man, sharing an elected office to which he was not elected is perfectly OK as well. But Todd Palin is one nasty piece of work, as Bill Boyarsky reveals:
A fascinating picture of Todd Palin's influence in Alaska's capital is provided in the report of a legislative investigation that concluded that Gov. Palin unlawfully abused her power in seeking the firing of a state trooper once married to her sister. The report, released Friday, also criticized Palin for allowing Todd Palin to push hard for the dismissal of Trooper Mike Wooten.

Wooten had been married to the governor's sister. Their divorce was messy. So, apparently, was Wooten's career as a trooper. He had been accused of illegally shooting a moose, drinking beer in a patrol car and using a Taser gun on his stepson. He was disciplined before Palin became governor and was allowed to remain a trooper.

When Palin took over, the Wooten case was high on the family agenda, with Todd Palin leading the effort to get rid of the trooper. As Associated Press writer Mike Apuzzo put it in his story on the report, Todd Palin had "extraordinary access to the governor's office" and he "used that access to try to get [Wooten] fired."

His target was Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, who said he lost his job because he refused to fire Wooten.

The report, by investigator Stephen Branchflower, a retired state prosecutor, shows how Todd Palin operates.

Monegan's secretary, Cassandra Byrne, said that on Jan. 4, 2007, she received a phone call from the governor's office. An aide told her "the First Gentleman would like to have a meeting with Commissioner Walt Monegan. At the time, I was not familiar with the term 'First Gentleman.' So I kept asking 'Who?' and she eventually said 'Todd Palin.' I said, 'Oh, OK,' so we set the time and the place which was the governor's office in Anchorage. "

Investigator Branchflower said that when Monegan arrived there he was directed into the governor's office. Todd Palin, wearing a business suit, was alone, waiting for him. "Mr. Palin was seated at a large conference table and invited Mr. Monegan to sit," the report said.

Monegan said, "What I recalled was Todd sitting there. He had three stacks of paper in an array in front of him" dealing with the Wooten case. One was from the Department of Public Safety, under which Alaska state troopers serve.

Monegan told Branchflower that he got "the impression that Todd was not happy with the investigation [that the department had made before disciplining Wooten].

"He told me that he [Wooten] just got a few days off [suspension] and didn't think that was enough. And this guy shouldn't be a trooper."

Describing Todd Palin, Monegan said, "I saw someone who was somewhat animated. Not certainly out of control but he was passionate about how he was addressing the issue.

"And my impression was that he was venting. I mean there was a complaint, the troopers investigated it and that they had come up with a conclusion and that he was not happy with the conclusion."

The telling vignette shows Todd Palin's position in the governor's office. Dressed in a business suit, seated behind a big conference table with state documents in front of him, he tried to tell the state's top cop how to do his job.

I wonder what the people who scream out at Todd Palin's wife's rallies that Barack Obama should be killed for being a terrorist would think if they knew that the First Dude only left tha Alaska Independence Party when it became potentially politically embarrassing for his spouse. They'd probably think it's OK. Because after all, terrorism is only terrorism when it comes from the left. Right-wing terrorists are "pro-lifers" and "freedom fighters."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have the feeling that some fundies LIKE the idea of Todd Palin taking part in the government; after all as Jesus is the head of the church, so the man is the head of the household (the woman and children).


Blogger Unknown said...
Funny how the people who had canniptions about Hillary Clinton's role in the Clinton White House are silent on the subject of Todd Palin

Duh! Because Hillary's a girl. Do I have to explain everything?

Blogger D. said...
Well, you know, if Sarah Palin is Greg Stillson, does that make Todd Sonny Elliman?

Blogger Batocchio said...
'Course! Hillary's a gurl! How can the "First Dude" possibly step out of line? And unlike Hilary, he never killed someone! ;-)

Blogger Distributorcap said...
but todd's influence is just all thos nasty and paranoid dems accusing him of stuff.

i cannot wait for 19 days when these despicable Palins go back to their igloo

They're not silent. They frikkin LIKE him! You heard McCain on the subject last night. I'm disappointed in Obama for not challenging him about that but he was undoubtedly thinking of other things at that moment. I want some PAC to come up with an ad around that comment, though.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Liked the "Greg Stillson" thought, what a damn scary comparison..