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Thursday, October 09, 2008

And Sarah Palin gets a free pass
Posted by Jill | 8:34 PM
I guess the mainstream media are jerking off to televised images of Sarah Palin too. How else do you explain the obsession with Barack Obama's passing acquaintance with someone who was a radical 40 years ago, while Sarah Palin's far more recent and far closer involvement with people who are avowedly anti-American goes ignored?

Robert Kennedy Jr. writes about Sarah 'n' Todd's affinity with the Alaska Independence Party:
But if McCarthy-era guilt-by-association is once again a valid political consideration, Palin, it would seem, has more to lose than Obama. Palin, it could be argued, following her own logic, thinks so little of America's perfection that she continues to "pal around" with a man--her husband, actually--who only recently terminated his seven-year membership in the Alaskan Independence Party. Putting plunder above patriotism, the members of this treasonous cabal aim to break our country into pieces and walk away with Alaska's rich federal oil fields and one-fifth of America's land base--an area three-fourths the size of the Civil War Confederacy.

AIP's charter commits the party "to the ultimate independence of Alaska," from the United States which it refers to as "the colonial bureaucracy in Washington." It proclaims Alaska's 1959 induction as a state "as illegal and in violation of the United Nations charter and international law."

AIP's creation was inspired by the rabidly violent anti-Americanism of its founding father Joe Vogler, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American," reads a favorite Vogler quote on AIP's current website, "I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." According to Vogler AIP's central purpose was to drive Alaska's secession from the United States. Alaska, says current Chairwoman Lynette Clark, "should be an independent nation."

Vogler was murdered in 1993 during an illegal sale of plastic explosives that went bad. The prior year, he had renounced his allegiance to the United States explaining that, "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government." He cursed the stars and stripes, promising, "I won't be buried under their damned flag...when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home." Palin has never denounced Vogler or his detestable anti-Americanism.

Palin's husband Todd remained an AIP party member from 1995 to 2002. Sarah can be described in McCarthy-era palaver as a "fellow traveler." While retaining her Republican registration, she attended the AIP's 1994 convention where the party called for a draft constitution to secede from the United States and create an independent nation of Alaska. The McCain Campaign has reluctantly acknowledged that she also attended AIP's 2000 Convention. She apparently found the experience so inspiring that she agreed to give a keynote address at the AIP's 2006 convention and she recorded a video greeting for this year's 2008 convention. In other words, this is not something that happened when she was eight!

So when Palin accuses Barack of "not seeing the same America as you and me," maybe she is referring to an America without Alaska. In any case, isn't it time the media start giving equal time to Palin's buddy list of anti-American bombers and other radical associates?

My guess it's because William Ayers allows the Republicans to continue to fight the 1960's wars, both cultural and military, all over again, in perpetuity. What's interesting is that William Ayers doesn't feel the need to fight them over and over and over again; only the Nixonian/McCain side does.

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Blogger Distributorcap said...
or reverend Muthee (sp?) ---- the media is so frigging complicit in this attack machine against obama -- it is pitiful

i am almost threw my coffee at scarborough this morning

he is a dick among dicks. i SO wish i could call him out on it

Anonymous Anonymous said...
My take on it is the reason the media (other than Fox News) is talking about this garbage is because McCain and his surrogates keep bringing it up.

If Obama wanted to go that route and send out his surrogates to talk about McCain's affairs, Keating 5, G. Gordon Liddy, etc., then the media would be the compliant lap dogs that they are and start talking about that, too.

The difference is that Obama doesn't really want to go there and is trying to stay on message.

And I applaud him for doing that, but also for fighting back when his back is to the wall.

Blogger Unknown said...
One uses the ballot box to try to further its goals. The other used bombs. See a difference?