"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wow...are there no depths to which the McCain campaign won't sink?
Posted by Jill | 5:05 AM
I'm not convinced that this sort of faux "White House wedding" is going to fool anyone outside of the kool-aid drinkers who think Sarah Palin is the most qualified person to be one melanoma away from leading this country:
In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.

Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. “It would be fantastic,” said a McCain insider. “You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week.”

And of course, there is nothing that the McCain camp likes more than distractions from the issues, because the more we hear their guy on the issues, the more appalling he becomes. So they think they're going to dangle the shiny bauble of two attractive kids in formal wear and little Piper in a pink flower-girl dress and the media will fall for it hook, line, and sinker. And perhaps it will, though I am almost daring to believe that the media has finally woken up from its thrall to a man in a 40-year-old uniform and realized that John McCain is no maverick and he's appallingly clueless about the problems facing this country.

But the worst part of this possibility is that having clutched their pearls repeatedly about how Sarah Palin's unmarried pregnant teenage daughter should be off-limits to public discussion, they are willing to march these two kids -- a girl clearly rebelling against her parents' religious hypocrisy and a boy who has all the earmarks of a wife-beater in the making -- down the aisle in the name of political gain. Only the most sick and twisted and cynical people would think this is "fantastic."

I don't want to hear Republicans called the party of family values ever again


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I will say this. The Repub party is for a certain value of family values.

A few blocks from my house there is an evangelical Christian church. They have signs out front all about "family values." I wouldn't know anything about that church, never would have paid attention to it, had not one of its most committed members killed his wife and two children. Apparently the church does not condone divorce.

THAT kind of family values I can believe the Pubs support.

(I deleted the previous one because of a major typo and I hit publish instead of preview. Oops!)

Blogger D. said...
I've always said that conservatives espouse family values if your family happens to be the Mafia or the House of Atreus, but I should make it easy for them and just cite King David or maybe the Herods.

Wait, they'd have to read a Bible...

Blogger Bob said...
I don't think the shotgun wedding of a couple of near-children will get Repugs votes they ain't already got in the bag. & do they really want to attract a horde of international paparazzi? Putting that spotlight on Bristol & Levi is risky, so the message is "tactical risk" not "values." McCain has done two of these risk moves, selecting Palin & "suspending campaign." Former worked with the party base , the latter almost backfired badly.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If the McCain camp think that televising the Bristol Palin wedding will win them the election, I want to smoke what they're smoking. This absolutely smacks of desparation; we have them on the run and they know it.