"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saturday Night Live Does Hillary V. Palin, and Palin is Apparently Sorta Kinda my Look-alike...
Posted by Melina | 12:41 AM
I was out at a wedding and so I missed the beginning of SNL this week (after too many years of watching it, it seems that the beginning skit is the only worthwhile bit anyway)... at which wedding a woman came up to me and...looking at me sideways...maybe she was drunk...(and yes I get Amy Yasbek and a young Diane Keaton sometimes)... told me... that... I... look... like...

Sarah Palin!!!! EEEEKKKK!!!

Which sent me to the bathroom to not only look at myself because I often forget what I look like... but also to take a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror with my cell phone cam, and then email Jill Brill to be sure that this couldn't possibly be true. Ah its true, I was wearing my fashionable glasses in the interest of seeing; something I don't often do because I prefer a little soft blur these days. but this was my friend's daughter and I wanted to be able to report on the ice sculpture and the Chinese tea ceremony and the 6 (yes 6!) courses of food that just kept coming (Will and I slipped out before the Viennese Dolce Table, which was after the wedding cake...which consisted of around 7 layers from straight cheese cake to chocolate cake to some sorta Italiano rum section and maybe a meringue!)
Anyhow, my quick answer was that no I don't get that (perhaps a new problem, but if it continues I may have to color my hair or something drastic like that) but it must be the glasses...and that the real difference is that my IQ is around double hers... (heaven knows, my knowledge of foreign affairs trumps hers, and I'm no Rachel Poli-sci Maddow.) I actually used the silly comparison to make some pretty sober points which made the woman quickly drift towards the raw bar while Will laughed and I doubled over in disgust!

Will found it hysterical that one exchange with a woman who probably only watches Faux News bothered me so much, or maybe it was that she approached with such a fun and peppy attitude and was quite shocked at my reaction... but I guess that the whole Palin thing is in my craw...stuck...and I have trouble making light of how little this county has learned after 8 years of a Bush government begun by the feeling that he was a good old boy who was some sort of renegade that we should have a beer with. Isn't it time to just maybe try out someone who has some ideas and ...um...ideas of diplomacy?...at least maybe someone who isn't a rapture ready snake handler...? Just for a while?

The Palin woman, as my grandpa calls her, has charisma and spunk which sort of distracts from the fact that every other sentence out of her mouth is a lie. I cant even fathom how it is OK for all of them in lockstep, from the lowest coffee boy to the biggest policy maker, to throw it all at the wall and just see what sticks. Its too late in the game for so many to have such wrong information in the face of science and...um...real political science experts. How can they fucking lie so much? How can it be?

So you can see why I havent been writing much the past weeks....I think that others might have somethign more to say than "why, why, why?"...its all so tragic for the people of America who really, really need a little turnaround to start happening soon. Its a crying shame.

So, I guess I'll leave the funny up to the SNL folks...and of course, its the comedians (artists) in any society who mirror back our most glaring faults. I think that's why the Republicans have been so keen on cutting funding to the arts in this country. It is artists who are often the loudest speakers of the truth. It is certainly the artists who have the most guts to make the uncomfortable statements that the rest of us are unable to. And this is why the Republicans are complaining about this skit...to which I say: Boo-fucking-Hoo!

h/t to Sam Seder Be sure to catch the warm-up shows of Seder V. Maron daily here at 3PM eastern. Even in it's rough state, its fantastic!

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