"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Again. Again and again and again.
Posted by Jill | 7:56 PM
I heard this morning about John Edwards' withdrawal from the presidential nomination race while in the car on the way to work, which is why I haven't written on it yet. Well, that and the fact that every time I think about it I get all blubbery and want to wait until I don't sound like one of the overgrown babies posting over at the Edwards blog who are planning to throw a tantrum, scream a lot, then hold their breath till their faces turn blue.

It isn't that I didn't know it was coming; I just didn't want it to happen this soon; didn't want to have to face the choice of voting for the woman who is unrepentant about voting for the war in Iraq and equally unrepentant about giving George W. Bush a free pass to go to war with Iran via Kyl/Lieberman; and a man who's a great orator or speeches that may be written for him, but who phumphers when put on the spot, a certainly transformational candidate who just seems a bit too idealistic to be able to survive once the wingnut hate machine really gets ratcheted up.

Just once in my life, I'd like to be able to cast an enthusiastic vote in a general election. Time after time after time, I've seen the candidates I've supported in the primary races -- smart, capable candidates who see further than next week and think about things other than amassing power -- fall by the wayside because the party hacks will do whatever is necessary -- even lose -- to retain their control over the process. Whether it was Gary Hart in 1984, or Paul Tsongas in 1992, or Howard Dean in 2004, or John Edwards this year, these capable candidates are always shoved out of the way by those who toe the party line, who wait their turn, and dare I say it -- know their place.

When you look at some of the Democratic nominees over the last few decades -- Walter Mondale...Michael Dukakis....John Kerry...you wonder if the Democrats even want to win. It took a dirty skunk like Bill Clinton to finally beat the Republicans at their own game -- and even then he had to fight them (and much of his own party) for eight years just to stay in office. Then in 2000 we watched as Al Gore refused to demand a statewide recount in Florida, and in 2004 we watched as John Kerry joined up with Dick Gephardt to tag-team Howard Dean in Iowa, only to see Kerry take his $14 million in leftover campaign cash and go home before the Ohio vote count was even finalized.

After the tag-teaming of Howard Dean in 2004, I was so depressed and so disgusted and disillusioned with the system that it was all I could do to get out of bed and go to work the next day. I promised myself I would never, ever put myself through that again. It isn't as though I'm not used to disappointment; I am, after all, a Mets fan (though please don't get me started on this Santana trade; does the name "Bret Saberhagen" mean anything to these people?). And yes, there was this disconnect between John Edwards' voting record and the progressive populist agenda he ran on this year.

But while Hillary and Bill Clinton are embodying everything people hate about the baby boomers, with their "Me, me, me" campaign, and Barack Obama has seemed to either not get or refuse to acknowledge the ugliness that has permeated politics, while at the same time seeming to lack the toughness he'll need to get anything accomplished, I felt that a guy who'd made millions of dollars fighting big corporations on behalf of families like the Lakeys was worth supporting. Supporting Hillary Clinton was out of the question because of her hawkishness and her insistence at Yearly Kos last summer that corporate lobbyists are people too, and Obama's tendency to want to reach across the aisle seemed more like dipping his hand into a swamp full of crocodiles.

This isn't the first time the media have set the agenda and selected the candidates for us. It was the media who decided that a dry drunk like George W. Bush should be president because he was a guy you'd want to drink beer with (despite the fact that he's by all accounts a pretty mean drunk). It was the media who turned down the crowd noise at Howard Dean's post-Iowa rally in 2004 so that he sounded like a raving madman. Diane Sawyer later 'fessed up on Good Morning America, but who saw it? And the damage was done. Then it was the media who decided that the allegations of the Swift Boat Liars for Bullshit, allegations they pulled out of their asses, deserved equal time to, say, the truth. It was the media who decided that John Kerry "looked French". Kerry didn't do himself any favors by being the least telegenic candidate in recorded history, but the media aided and abetted in the smear campaign against him. And this year, the media painted John Edwards as a lightweight and a hypocrite, focusing on his haircuts and the size of his house, because he represented a threat to the power of their corporate masters, and because the Black Guy and the Woman made a far more interesting story than just another Southern white guy.

And now that he is gone from the race, after (according to Jonathan Alter on Countdown tonight) becoming frustrated with the fact that even winning EVERY SINGLE DEBATE wasn't enough to garner any attention. And of course in leaving, he finally gets the attention from the media. As if feeling contrition, the nightly news reports spoke of Edwards' departure in hushed tones of admiration, as if it were Mother Theresa herself who had just left the presidential race. Now that he is gone, they've decided maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

But if you're thinking that the talking heads of the media have learned anything, guess again. For Tweety is tweeting his "John McCain is a maverick" meme and insisting that some of John Edwards' voters may go over to McCain, despite the fact that John McCain has done nothing but suck up to George W. Bush for the last seven years. Assuming that McCain continues to prevail, the corporate media will get their candidate on the Republican side. And if the Republican race is over before the Democratic one, Barack Obama had better be prepared. Because these people who are the public face of Viacom and General Electric and Disney Corp. and News Corp. want Hillary Clinton vs. John McCain, and as John Edwards knows full well, they will tear down anyone who gets in the way of the candidates most likely to do their bidding.

And so the nation is a more dismal place tonight. James Lowe goes back to West Virginia, where no one who doesn't already know about him will know that he was unable to speak for 50 years because he had no health insurance until a doctor agreed to waive the fee to repair his cleft palate. The Sarkisyan family will go back to California to mourn their daughter, knowing that the most ardent advocate for universal health care is no longer running for president. The many people who worked tirelessly to fight back the tide that has run against John Edwards will also go home. The offices will be shuttered, the stickers removed from the windows.

And out here in the Super Tuesday states, the Edwards bumper stickers will go into the box with the Howard Dean buttons and the Gary Hart '84 buttons -- relics of days when we were able to delude ourselves for a little while that the game wasn't entirely rigged. And we will decide where we go from here. We'll choose, and we'll go through the drill of voting, knowing full well that it ultimately doesn't mean jack shit; that the corporations always win.

A few months ago, Marc Maron did an amazing rant while subbing for Randi Rhodes that I posted about a month ago about how America manufactures nothing but need and appetite; that instead of "Land of the Free", our motto should be "America: All You Can Eat." But I think he's mistaken. For America's motto is really "America: Show Me The Money."

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Blogger Linda Fleming said...
You have pretty much summed up how I am feeling. What a disappointment! I can't even bring myself to remove the link button I have on my blog for Edwards, as if perhaps tomorrow morning he will wake up and change his mind.

Blogger Lynn Hayes said...
This situation seems different than the Howard Dean debacle. In that case the party hacks pulled their support, but in this case there were too many people who couldn't relate to Edwards's message. I don't really think it had anything to do with corporations, but I'm sorry that your guy didn't make it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great job Jill. I remember my enthusiasm for Tsongas, and yes, Gary Hart. I was 17 and a high school senior from New York, volunteering on weekends to stuff envelopes for McGovern in New Hampshire when Gary Hart was the campaign manager. I'll never forget his hortatory speech reminding us of our purpose to elect McGovern... or that he gave it to us private footsoldiers. He knew we were going out on a cold winter morning to do unpaid scutwork and showed us how our humble jobs could help elect a candidate and end a war. And win we did, at least in New Hampshire!

Edwards excited me just like Hart did. Edwards understands the issues and takes intelligent, forceful positions on them because he really hopes that if he could reach enough people the country will be improved. He is a world away from politicians whose main concern is raising funds and protecting donors. Andf don't me started on the classy way Elizabeth has comported herself on the campaign trail while battling cancer.

I will vote for Edwards in the primary and eventual Democratic nominee in the General. Don't know what else to do.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm voting for Dave Barry. He runs every year, why not this year? At least he'll be funny intentionally.

Blogger Dave said...
As a Canadian, you should know that an overwhelming majority of us were hoping Edwards would prevail.

He represented the ideals we have come to believe are absolutely necessary to keep a country a community.

Believe me, some of his ideas would have had a negative impact on Canada, but to most of us, it would have been worth it to see the US make a turn towards a more "people oriented" nation.

I feel for you Jill. I share in your disappointment. We all do.

I can only say that you are now compelled to vote for the lesser of two evils. And that is what democracy is all about; voting for the least of all evils.

You don't have to promote it, but you do have to vote for it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep. When next Tuesday rolls around, I'll drag myself to the polling place, and really not give a damn if my new, electronic voting machine "miscounts" my primary vote. Hmm...Clinton (D-DLC) or Obama (D-Kumbaya)...either way, I'm looking at four more years under our benevolent corporate masters...outrageous health care premiums...

Fuckit, I'm pressing the button for Edwards.

Blogger Jill said...
Lynn, I think it's more a case that very few people even HEARD Edwards' message. If it were as you say, I would still be unhappy, but at least I could say that he got a fair hearing. But most Americans don't pay much attention, and find out about presidential races from the network news talking heads as they're getting the kids ready for school in the morning or watching TV at night. Edwards received a DEMONSTRABLE lack of media attention, to the point that I actually know people who had no idea he was running, or if they did, had no idea what he stood for -- and didn't care to find out.

It's ironic that just about a year and a half ago, when Mark Warner decided he wasn't going to run, the media were talking about who's going to be the Great Southern White Hope for the Democratic Party in 2008. Then they kicked the white guy out of the race (heh) because the identity candidates made a much sexier story. And by the way, those candidates aren't really being covered on where they stand on the issues either. Edwards was right that the system is broken, but he of course couldn't talk about this aspect of it -- the way the media manipulate and create the story (haircuts, cleavage, and imagined snubs) -- because he got precious little attention as it was.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jill, if Obama is smart and tough enough to beat the Clinton machine he has nothing to worry about from the Republicans.

Blogger missy said...
I received this in an email today from one of my fellow Clark County for Edwards folks:

"Earlier this afternoon I got to listen on a conference call in which John and Elizabeth Edwards...

I can tell you that money was not an issue, JE is sitting on a major wad right now. No mention was made about Elizabeth's health... John was prepared to continue the campaign through at least June during which time he could (and probably would) pick up enough delegates to prevent a clear winner for the nomination prior to the national convention in August.

Meanwhile, however, the results in Florida yesterday suggest that a breakout candidate is clearly emerging on the Republican side. The stars seem to be aligning for McCain and may well win the nomination well before their convention. The concern lay with having the Republican Party united behind their nominee while the Dems were still fighting it out.

The reasoning followed that in a two person race a Democratic candidate has a pretty good chance of winning the nomination relatively quickly; that was not possible with the current three-way contest.

I have heard John Edwards say many times that the campaign was not about him. What he did in withdrawing today was to meet his words with deed. That he absolutely did the right thing is perhaps of dubious consolation to some right now."

A man who is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the party is exactly the kind of person of character we desperately need right now. I feel like I'm in the middle of The Gift of the Magi.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You'll rarely go wrong underestimating the American voter. Voters think a vote is a magic trick. Ta dah! I just want Democrats to sound like Democrats before they get elected - I understand the limitations & compromises of shared power. Edwards was saying, "We forgot about these issues & these people for a long time." The pride of women for Hillary & of African-Americans for Barack is deserved. But I'll point to Margaret Thatcher if being a woman is sufficient reason. & for those who compare Barack to JFK - Kennedy was mostly style over substance, too. & add in that the Clintons are so hungry for power that they were willing to piss away 18 years of good will with African-Americans on the assumption they'll get it back in November.