"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Fixing a hole where nothing gets in
Posted by Jill | 11:59 PM
Light blogging this morning, folks...I am setting up a temporary template to use until I get the new, improved, gorgeous, template up and running and not as slow as molasses like this one. So if you're having trouble loading this blog, please try again later or tomorrow morning. I suspect that this template has problems with multiple YouTube videos, but I'm tired of trying to figure out the problem with this template. So just bear with me and stay tuned. Thanks.

(UPDATE: Have I mentioned today how much I hate blog templates? After spending hours and hours that I don't have to spare and that should have been spent writing about the parade of horrors that today in the Bush years represented, or doing yoga or other more productive projects, trying to customize templates that just didn't want to behave, I found this fantabulous tool for generating templates. You can see what I was able to generate just using this tool here. With any luck at all, I'll be able to put in all my gewgaws and gadgets and widgets and other nonsense, as well as Haloscan commenting. And with any luck at all, those of you who have had load problems may see an improvement. Bear with me folks, relief is coming.)

(12/7 UPDATE: Well, the new template looks great in Firefox, not so great in IE. We should be up no later than Monday and hopefully sooner. If this doesn't solve the load problems, I'm sticking my head in the oven.)


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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Looks crisp in Safari, too.