"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" -Oscar Wilde |
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"The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself." -- Proverbs 11:25 |
Dear Keith,
Beneath the farts and flourishes of failed amendments, procedural votes and resolutions passed, one fact remains:About a quarter of the people in this country are just awful fucking human beings.
The walk upright like us. Eat and shit like us. Reproduce like us. But they are not like us.
We are, right now, enduring the final act of arguably the failingest, most incompetent and mentally underclocking President we have ever had. A President who has proven himself every day to be simultaneously a traitor, a sadist and a fop.
We are groaning under a debt his Administration created, an unnecessary and catastrophic war his Administration manufactured, and a failed foreign policy his Administration authored.
And for his sins and crimes he continues to enjoy the blind, rabid canine loyalty of the 27%, whose proxies in Congress -- the same wingnut hirelings who screamed themselves hoarse chanting “Up or down vote!” every time a single GOP nomination got snagged -- continue to happily obstruct even the mildest effort to curb their Dear Leader’s Forever War or in any way mitigate his “Bomb them ‘til they’re Christian” vision of world peace.
He was preceded by as moderate and center-seeking president as we have seen in my lifetime.
One who made it a point to appoint Republicans to his cabinet, give the Right a voice, and triangulate away to them a lot of what they asked for.
For his troubles he endured the blind, rabid reptilian rage of the 27% for seven years.
And then they impeached him.
These are the pod people that keep O’Reilly propped up, keep Limbaugh on the air, and keep Fox News profitable. The kept Jerry Falwell from being run out of Christendom on a rail, and keep James Dobson from sinking back into the tent-show fever swamp from whence he came.
They are the reason the Minority Party knows it will pay absolutely no price for thwarting the will of the majority of the America people.
They are the reason the War Party has, finally, resorted to simply lying outright about Iraq; because they know which side of the Mason/Dixon line their bread is buttered on.
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