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Saturday, December 04, 2004

A wingnut finally 'fesses up...
Posted by Jill | 7:26 AM
...as to the real reason for the outrage over the infamous Nicolete Sheridan/Terrell Owens Monday Night Football ad.

As you no doubt suspected, it's that old miscegenation / protect our white wimmen against the oversexed, overendowed Negro (sic) male / insatiable evil immoral temptress daughter of Eve fears of conservative white men -- all rolled up into one short but to the point piece of tape.

Samuel Francis, VDARE.com:

In the aftermath of the similar reaction to CBS’s showing of the Janet Jackson-Justin Timberlake flap during the Super Bowl last February, there can be little doubt the ABC ad was not just a blunder.

It was an intentional act of moral subversion.


Like the Jackson-Timberlake performance, the Owens-Sheridan ad was interracial and brazenly so—if only morals and taste had been the targets, the producers could easily have found white actresses who are less obviously Nordic than the golden-locked Miss Sheridan, but Nordic is what the ad’s producers no doubt wanted.

For that matter, if you only wanted to take a swipe at morals and taste, you could find a black woman to rip her towel off or replace Mr. Owens with a famous white athlete (there are still a few).

But that wasn’t the point, was it? The point was not just to hurl a pie in the face of morals and good taste but also of white racial and cultural identity. The message of the ad was that white women are eager to have sex with black men, that they should be eager, and that black men should take them up on it.

So far only one voice has mentioned the ad’s racial meaning and denounced its “insensitivity“ (to blacks)—that of black Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy.

Blacks are permitted to notice race. Whites aren’t.

But the ad’s message also was that interracial sex is normal and legitimate, a fairly radical concept for both the dominant media as well as its audience.

Nevertheless, for decades, interracial couples of different sexes have been sneaked into advertising, movies and television series, and almost certainly not because of popular demand from either race. The Owens-Sheridan match is only the most notorious to date.

In the minds of those who produced the ad, race is at least as important as the moral and aesthetic norms their ad subverts.

To them, the race as well as the religion, the morality, and the culture of the host society are all equally hostile and oppressive forces that need to be discredited, debunked and destroyed.

If the destruction can’t happen at the polls or through the courts, they can always use the long march through the culture that control of the mass media allows.

Breaking down the sexual barriers between the races is a major weapon of cultural destruction because it means the dissolution of the cultural boundaries that define breeding and the family and, ultimately, the transmission and survival of the culture itself.

It was filmed the Friday before, and in the aftermath of all the jabber about “moral issues“ in the election, it ought to be transparent that it was intended as an act of political-cultural subversion as well.

And if you think that's bad, go read the comments at the end of the article. They'll make your head explode.

Now, I'm all in favor of stuff like this getting out. "Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out," as Robert Graves wrote Emperor Claudius saying. It may no longer be fashionable for people to talk like this, but articles like this one demonstrate dramatically that for many people, race issues haven't progressed one iota.

(via Atrios)
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