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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Why is it so difficult for the news media to comprehend this?
Posted by Jill | 8:07 AM
David Waldman on CNN's Blogger Bunch, showing how it's done:

Note how the Limbaugh-lookalike in the bowtie attempts to filibuster Waldman, using lots of buzzwords like "American soldiers" (who are completely irrelevant to this discussion). Note also the disgusting spectacle of Erica Williams from the Center for American Progress spouting the party line about "looking forward". It may very well be that Americans don't care. But the soul of this country is at stake here, and Waldman is spot-on: that this discussion of torture is not about whether torture is acceptable to protect the country, it's about whether torture is acceptable when used solely for political purposes, which is clearly the case here. Perhaps if the pollsters whose work shows that Americans don't care asked the question "Do you favor the use of torture against detainees to glean false information for political purposes?", we might see different responses.


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Blogger Jayhawk said...
Well, the guy from DailyKos speaks at length while others politely listen to him in silence. Then when someone else attempts to say anything, the DailyKos guy lets them get out about eight words before butting in and tring to talk over them.

So only letting one guy talk, letting him shout down and talk over anyone who disagrees with him is "how it's done" is it? A jackass is a jackass only if he's on the other side?

Blogger Kagro X said...
Ordinarily, no.

But there is no other side to the question of whether or not it's OK to torture for partisan political purposes.

On that question, you got the full story, despite the fact that no one else spoke.

Blogger Jayhawk said...
Okay, I get it. It's okay to be a jerk, rude and insulting, if you're being a jerk, rude and insulting about the right thing.

We have abandoned the Golden Rule?

Blogger jurassicpork said...
I didn't get the impression that he was being "insulting" and "a jerk." It was obvious that it was three against one, even if two of the other three chose to say next to nothing.

The fact is, Boy Tie Boy was desperately trying to wrench the dialogue away from the central theme, that Cheney ordered torture of KSM to cover his fat, pasty ass. This is something that the MSM will gladly sweep under the rug. We need people like Waldman to not allow us to forget that.

If the others chose not to respond for the most part, don't blame him for picking up the slack.