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Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama votes are disappearing in the south and swing states. Where the hell are the lawyers?
Posted by Jill | 10:06 AM
Does the Democratic Party care about the votes that are being switched in early voting? Does the Obama campaign? Or are they too busy celebrating a landslide that hasn't even happened yet?

Brad Friedman has been on top of the voting issue for the last four years. You'd think that the Democrats would have woken the hell up already.

But you'd be wrong:
The following report, of another Obama vote lost, comes from Nashville (Davidson County, TN), as did the similar one last week. ES&S iVotronic touch-screen voting machines failing again, harming Democrats each time. The same machines are failing in one county and state after another, are still in use, haven't been impounded, and voters still do not get to vote on paper ballots.

The "thousands of attorneys" from Obama and the DNC are still completely AWOL.

From the Tennessean...

Tracey Hudson's voting attempt at the Edmondson Pike Library ended with her in tears. The machine malfunctioned and didn't let her see the ballot, but a poll worker told [her] she had voted.

"I was robbed," Hudson said Friday.


"I hit the button to go to the ballot and there was a flash," she said, adding that the screen went blank, then returned to the main menu. "I didn't see the ballot to actually choose anything."

She asked a poll worker for help, but the person insisted she had voted and told her to "move on." Hudson said she had been looking forward to voting for Barack Obama.

Have we mentioned that the "thousands of attorneys" from Obama and the DNC are still completely AWOL?

Quick links to our previous coverage, of similar incidents, in at least three other states, follows --- along with a quick list from experts about what you need to do (since Obama and the DNC apparently won't) when/if you have a similar problem with a touch-screen voting machine...

Links, and much more, here.

Since the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign obviously don't give a shit whether your vote counts, you're on your own to make sure it is.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why not get a mail in campaign going? Vote, then send in a back up letter to .....to.....where?...maybe to whom it may concern at the Supreme Court of the United States?