"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Craig and Thompson and The Creature Rear Their Ugly Heads...YKT!!
Posted by Melina | 6:29 AM
Well there you go again...

Fred Thompson has finally announced that he is gonna announce....oh joy! All this planning and testing the waters and pre-announcements before the pre-announcement of the announcement...and now the leak of the announcement...man! This has me interested in his candidacy...Not! But Come on in, Fred, the waters fine and the pool is full of all sorts of interesting fish. Just keep your stance narrow and your hookers happy, and everything should be just dandy.

Thanks to Vern McN, I have finally solved that nagging feeling I had about old Fred reminding me of someone...No, not the guy you saw every week on Law and Order...but this guy:

Separated at birth? I dunno...you tell me....They even have the same taste in wimmin'


With that out of the way, I have a couple of little tidbits that Ive been able to pick up in my mad dash from school to school, in a frustrating realization that my two are at opposite ends of out little southern CT world here...damn!

The increase in driving has led me back to the sad realization that 3 hours of Sammy Seder goes fast and...then what? Leo LaPorte has enough content to last for days, but a girl can't live on tech-casts alone...so luckily I picked up a podcast radio show called This is Hell, which is broadcast out of Chicago, but offers a lovely archive with 2007 here.
I highly recommend the July 28th show which featured Noam Chomsky in a long format interview that was fantastic, along with many other interesting guests...take my word for it; the hosts are clever and funny, (not Marc Maron or even Sam Seder, but pretty damned good,)and the show is actually...dare I say to or it might get canceled?...good. Still, I take nothing for granted after the loss of the early Air America line up, so appreciate whatever of it is OK, and trash the rest.

This past week, I was fascinated by this piece in the NY Times technology section by David Pogue, which lists many of the new and newer online abbreviations, and the ones that he made up along with his summer interns....and of course, in the course of joking around on instant messenger with a friend, we managed to make up quite a few of our own; the possibilities are endless...

I know I'm a tech geek girl, and this sort of stuff isnt of interest to y'all out there in politics-land, but this is pretty interesting stuff, even if you...er...don't text...eeekkkk!

* GI -- Google it

* MOP -- Mac or PC?

* FCAO -- five conversations at once

* IIOYT -- is it on YouTube?

* DYFH -- did you Facebook him/her?

* BIOI -- buy it on iTunes

* CMOS -- call me on Skype

* GGNUDP -- gotta go, no unlimited data plan

* WLF -- with the lady friend

* JUOC -- jacked up on caffeine

* 12OF -- twelve-o'clock flasher (refers to someone less than competent with technology, to the extent that every appliance in the house flashes "12:00")

* SML -- send me the link

* RHB -- read his/her blog

* MBLO -- much better-looking online

* KYST -- knew you'd say that

* NBL -- no battery left

* CTTC -- can't talk, teacher's coming

* TWD -- typing while driving

* CMT (CMF, CMM, CMB) -- check my Twitter (Facebook, Myspace, blog)

* CYE (CYF, CYM, CYB)--check your email (Facebook, Myspace, blog)

And a few just for iPhone owners:

* SPLETS -- send pics later; Edge too slow

* CSVUI -- can't send video, using iPhone

* BPWMI -- boss playing with my iPhone

* SIK -- sorry, iPhone keyboard

* OOM -- out of messages (for iPhone users who haven't upgraded their AT&T "200 messages a month" plan)

And then for us oldsters:

* WIWYA -- when I was your age

* YKT – you kids today

* CRRE -- conversation required; remove earbuds

* WDO? -- what are you doing online?

* NIWYM -- no idea what you mean

* NCK -- not a chance, kid

* B2W -- back to work

* AYD? -- are you drunk?

* LODH -- log off, do homework

* DYMK? -- does your mother know?

* IGAT -- I've got abbreviations, too

Finally, I wanted to say something about wide-stance Craig and his traveling circus, but I was feeling like he had already had more attention than was due him. Hell, he already has probably gotten a book out of this...speaking engagements are sure to follow...treatment, redemption...not necessarily in that order.

Now , after his kids appeared on GMA this morning to continue their apparent family-wide denial, the word is that the oddball is going to try to fight his guilty plea and take back his resignation plans ...and you know what? Godspeed Larry! I think that this fine example of the best that the republican party has to offer, should stand up and explain, and explain, and explain...and argue this thing right up to the supreme court! After all, what is more important than a man's reputation?...Ha! Go for it baby!!

(cross posted at RIPCoco)

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