"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere
Posted by Jill | 9:57 AM
...because there is so much good stuff around Blogtopia (™ Skippy) that if you blink you might miss something.

In the wake of the death of Dr. James Kennedy, Shockwave at My Left Wing has an eye-opener that you must read about how the Dominionist Christianity of the Coral Ridge Ministries has become the de facto officially sanctioned religion of the United States military via the Armed Forces Network.

Sean-Paul Kelley has had quite enough of Hillary Clinton's triangulating, thank you very much.

Mike Rogers has had enough of closeted, anti-gay politicians, thank you very much -- whether Sean Hannity likes it or not.

If you weren't sick about it already, Maha has a roundup of George Bush's embarrassing gaffes, stupidity, and just plain bad taste at the OPEC -- I mean APEC -- conference in Australia. Those bumper stickers reading "Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot" were never more true.

Dave Johnson of Seeing the Forest blogged this week from the Carter Center Conference on Faith and Freedom.

Cernig deconstructs in advance the inevitable crap from the Not-Petraeus Not-Report.

John Dean (yes, THAT John Dean) discussions conservative authoritarianism at The Smirking Chimp.

Brad Friedman on the wrangling over HR 811.

Rachel Maddow's Campaign Asylum mulls over the so-called sex appeal of Frederick of Hollywood. ("I'm with Fred"? THAT's his campaign slogan? Does that remind anyone else of those old "I'm with Stupid" T-shirts?)

Jeff Fecke visits National Review Online...so you don't have to.

Skippy rounds up the news from George W. Bush's Robust Economy™.

Arthur Silber on the arrests in Germany this week of three Islamic militants accused of planning Large-Scale Terrorist Attacks™.

Archcrone on whitewashing the "R" word.

And last, but my absolutely no means least, comes the most devastating post you will read all year: LowerManhattanite at the Group News Blog shares a personal anecdote about racism in the context of the Jena Six. After all these years, life in these United States for those dark of skin is still all too often like this:


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