"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Was Bush for the immediate execution of Saddam Hussein before he was against it?
Posted by Jill | 6:41 AM
Some good stuff at Americablog today asking some very valid questions about the rush to execute Saddam Hussein, and whether American hands are as clean as they would like us to believe they are (emphases mine):

Okay, let's review. Last week, the White House was ready with a statement from the President as soon as Hussein was executed -- even though the President was asleep.

Yet, today, after it's clear the execution was a disaster, the White House is trying to create some distance. See, the Bush Administration are the heroes here. Their people were really trying to postpone the execution. One more time, the White House is in full spin mode over Iraq:
The American decision to confirm that they had opposed the quick execution came after days of silence from the American Embassy and the United States military command in Baghdad, which appeared to have been shocked, like so many others, by the unofficial video recording that showed the bedlam at the gallows.

With some Iraqi politicians raising fresh demands for Mr. Maliki’s dismissal, the Americans, in offering to have a senior official discuss the matter in a telephone interview with The New York Times, appeared keen to protect the Bush administration from a fresh surge of criticism for its handling of events in Iraq.

The official said that among American officials in Iraq who had tried to stop Mr. Maliki from rushing Mr. Hussein to the gallows, the reaction to the scenes of abuse had been one of dismay.

“Well, yes, when I think of the behavior of the people who were there, I’m disappointed and distressed, that’s true,” the official who spoke in the telephone interview said. He had been one of the Americans who intervened with Mr. Maliki on Friday night,
See, the White House needs to prevent "a fresh surge of criticism" over Iraq while the President is planning a fresh surge of troops in Iraq. This latest debacle interferes with Bush's major escalation of his war.

How the hell did George Bush let Saddam Hussein become a martyr?

Why am I reading the Jeff Gannon article, I mean NYT article, that Joe cites below, and getting the sinking feeling that I'm reading a Bush administration press release?


Also, a little red meat for the religious right Republican extremists out there. Note that Bush was (allegedly) concerned about the execution taking place during the Muslim holiday. The White House wasn't concerned about hanging a man during the week of Christmas, oh no. They were concerned about a Muslim holiday, rather than "our" own Christian holiday. Not that I believe the White House was concerned about anything - they very likely pushed the Iraqis to kill Saddam pronto - but it is funny how Bush is publicly pandering to Islam, since his religious right supporters, and much of his own party, is made up of anti-Muslim religious bigots.

Oh yeah, and one final very interesting fact from the NYT article. If the White House was so adamant about Saddam not being killed just yet, then why did they happily hand him over to the Iraqis to be executed?
After Mr. Maliki made it clear to the Americans in Baghdad that his decision was final, the official who discussed the events on Friday night said, American commanders were told to deliver Mr. Hussein to an execution bloc in the Kadhimiya district of northern Baghdad that Mr. Hussein?s military intelligence agency used to execute countless opponents of his government. At 4 a.m., Mr. Hussein was flown by an American military helicopter from an American detention center and handed over to the Iraqis.
Yeah right. Maliki, the pit bull, made it clear to the weak, wimpy, powerless Americans that his decision was final. Seriously, how did any editor at the Times read this and keep a straight face?

Joe and John are absolutely right; the Administration, still so sure of its own infallibility and its own ability to manipulate the American mindset, thought that they would be able to hand over Saddam Hussein to its puppet government in Iraq, watch his execution while they jerked off and moaned with pleasure, and the Americans would suddenly realize that the Iraq War was a just one. The Administration assumed that this would prepare Americans to support the human sacrifice about to take place when Bush starts his "escalate and accelerate" program of Mass Death of a Generation of American Young People.

But as they do so often these days in this Administration unaccustomed to a population that is no longer manipulated by its cries of "The boogeyman's gonna getcha!", Americans have, as they should, felt not joy, but a kind of ashamed squeamishness that what we saw in Baghdad over the weekend is what we have been reduced to as a people. Except for the most ardent mouth-breathers and paste-easters on the right, no one felt joy over the spectacle of a former head of state -- even as corrupt and murderous one as Saddam Hussein -- standing with a noose around his neck, surrounded by what looked like thugs whose next stop was the cash register of the local Wawa store. Somewhere, buried deep behind the reptilian brain that Bush has tapped into for his entire presidency, there is still enough humanity in us to realize that We Are Supposed To Be Better Than This.
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