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Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
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"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Harriet Miers is the Second Coming of Ken Lay
Posted by Jill | 6:50 AM

Have you headed up a corrupt corporation? Then YOU TOO may be qualified to sit on the Supreme Court!

If it's good enough for Harriet Miers, why isn't it good enough for the rest of us?

David Sirota reports that Miers headed Locke, Liddell & Sapp at the time the firm was forced to pay $22 million to settle a suit asserting that "it aided a client in defrauding investors."

Under Miers' leadership, the firm represented

the head of a "foreign currency trading company [that] was allegedly a Ponzi scheme." The law-firm admitted that it "knew in March 1998 that $ 8 million in [the company's] losses hadn't been reported to investors" but didn't tell regulators.

This wasn't an isolated incident, either. The Austin American-Statesman reported in 2001 that Miers' lawfirm was forced to pay another $8 million for a similar scheme to defraud investors. The suit, which dealt with actions the firm took under Miers in the late 1990s, was again quite troubling. As the 9/20/00 Texas Lawyer reported, Miers' firm helped a now-convicted con man "defraud investors and allowed the firm's [bank] account to be used as a 'conduit.'" The suit said "money from investors that went into the firm's trust account was deposited into [the con man's] bank accounts and was used to pay for his 'expensive toys.'"

If you think Miers wasn't involved in any of this -- think again. Miers wasn't just any old lawyer at the firm. She was the Managing Partner -- the big cheese. True, she could claim she had no idea this was going on. But that would be as laughable/pathetic/transparent as the Enron executives who made the same ones after they ripped off investors.

But do you think for one minute that any of this is going to matter to the castrated, weak-ass Democrats who are going to vote for her in lockstep? Not one bit.

Harriet Miers is a clear example of the IOKIYAR rule, and now not only is it OK, but it entitles you to sit on the highest court in the country.
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