"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Friday, September 09, 2005

Kicking an injured dog
Posted by Jill | 6:01 AM

If it wasn't bad enough that Halliburton has been given a nice fat no-accountability contract for Gulf states cleanup, President George W. Fuck the Poor Bush has given Halliburton execs another way to stuff their pockets with federal money.

From overcharging military personnel for meals in Kuwait to inflating the price of fuel it provide to Iraq to $6.3 million in kickbacks that Halliburton employees took from a Kuwaiti contractor to cost-plus contracts, Halliburton has been gouging the American taxpayer ever since the Bush Administration came into office and opened the treasury doors to Cheney's company, saying "Take what you want."

Now he's issued an executive order allowing Halliburton and other companies the government may hire to do the cleanup and reconstruction to pay below the prevailing wage to the grunts who are actually going to have to do the work, allowing executives and retirees (like Cheney) to keep more of the money.

As if the people in the Gulf haven't been screwed over enough, here comes the President of the Wealthy to screw them over again, taking advantage of a tragedy to allow his friends to exploit them so they can pocket more federal dollars themselves.

And this is the guy people voted for because he's a "moral man"? A "Christian"? This man is no more moral than the boogeymen he loves to demonize.

And if this is Christianity, then yeah, folks, call me an anti-Christian. Because this is just reprehensible. Why is it OK to bestow fat contracts on well-connected companies and ask NO accountability from them, but not OK to give the tens of thousands of people displaced by this hurricane a leg-up?

And yet, Republicans are already speaking out against the already botched $2000 debit cards being issued by FEMA. Frank Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, who just received $500 million in Federal pork for a new bridge from Ketchikan to Gravina Island -- the famed "bridge to nowhere", said “That’s a lot of money. The question is how do you separate the needy from those who just want a $2,000 handout,”

I am sick and tired of Republicans and the people who vote for them griping about "people who want handouts." Why is it that people resent helping out the poor, but say nothing when executives at companies like Halliburton are allowed to defraud the Federal government for billions -- and they don't utter a peep?

What the hell kind of people live in this country? What kind of greedy, venal, petty people are we? Jesus H. Christ, no wonder everyone hates us.
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