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Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
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"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Cindy Sheehan: American hero
Posted by Jill | 7:53 PM

Via a diary at Daily Kos come these updates on Cindy Sheehan's pilgrimage to George W. Bush's vacation ranch to confront him about the Iraq war:

I have just spoken to Cindy Sheehan at, 5:05 pm

Her message "Today is the begining of the End of the occupation of Iraq." She is feeling strong, people have been bringing her food and water. The police have been polite. She has decided to stay on the Prairie Chapel Road which is one mile from the Ranch until George Bush meets with her and tells the truth. She invites anyone who can to join her during the month of August for as long as they can. She urges them to bring camping gear. Also, there are two caravans coming in from Louisiana and from Dayton, Ohio now.

Cindy says she knows from her travels that "people are fed up with this war and want to do something to stop it"


Cindy just called again.


They told Cindy, George Bush really believed there were weapons of mass destruction,Sadam was a threat, that the war in Iraq is making America safer. We are fighting in Iraq so they we don't have to fight terrorists here, and George Bush sincerely cares about the loss of the soldiers and their families. Cindy had a twenty five minute discussion , as Cindy refuted these tired arguements, and reminded the men that she had met Bush last June and she had felt disrespected and belittled. She said to them " You are intelligent men, how can you believe what you are saying?"

Cindy will continue to wait for an honest discussion with George Bush.

For my part, I am proud that Cindy is standing up against these dreadful lies and the Bush ideology that has blinded so many from reality and logic. It's as if they keep saying these things it will become true, and as Cindy pointed out to the representatives, since our kids were killed, the Downing Street memo and the 9/11 Commission report have been released which refutes these false claims. Yet here we are on August 6, 2005 and the Presidents men are still trying to convince American Mothers that their kids died for WMD and 9/11 links, it is not only insulting, it is madness. I will keep you posted as I talk to Cindy.

Bush clearly doesn't realize that his platitudes are no longer enough for people ike Cindy Sheehan. Once people know the truth in their hearts, they will not be mollified by bullshit.

There was a time when the MSM would have completely ignored this story. It hasn't bubbled up everywhere, yet, but here are the major media outlets in the U.S. that have picked it up:

  • CNN and MSNBC have picked up the AP wire story.
  • Reuters
  • WaPo
  • ABC News apparently ran a segment on World News Tonight.

It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for the others to pick it up. Sheehan's vigil may make great theatre, but it's also deadly serious. This president has not gone to even one soldier's funeral, and his daughters are lapdancing other American aristotrash in nightclubs while their father sends more and more of their peers to die so he doesn't look like the idiot he is. And he doesn't even have the courage to face down one mother who wants answers. Unless he can look these women in the eye, face to face, he has no business sending their sons to his meatgrinder.
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