...but they'd kill all the gays and incarcerate all the liberals if they thought they could get away with it.
From Kos comes a rundown (edited here by me) of the commonalities between the Islamofascists we claim as our enemy, and the Christofascists who have the President's ear (and presumably his worldview):
Religion in government:Al Qaida/Taliban: One and the same
American Taliban: One and the same
Schools:Al Qaida/Taliban: Religious indoctrination. Run by clergy.
American Taliban: School prayer. Religious indoctrination (creationism and "intelligent design"). Private religious school system.
Women:Al Qaida/Taliban: A woman's place is in the home. No school, must cover entire body, no rights
American Taliban: A woman's place is in the home. Government control over reproductive freedoms, hostility to Title IX, hostility to working women
[NOTE FROM ME: If you doubt that this is the wingnut POV, go read Capitol Buzz' excerpts of Rick Santorum's book]
Religious freedom:Al Qaida/Taliban: 'Think like us, or we'll whiip you and/or chop off your head'
American Taliban: 'Think like us, or we'll condemn you to hell' [NOTE FROM ME: I'd change this to "Dolike us or we'll try to enact legislation to force you to do so."]
Homosexuality:Al Qaida/Taliban: Eradicate them from society
American Taliban: Eradicate them from society
Torture:Al Qaida/Taliban: Torture them or chop off their heads
American Taliban: Torture them or homosexually rape them.
Medicine and Science:Al Qaida/Taliban: Faith-based world view
American Taliban: Faith-based world view
Foreign Policy:Al Qaida/Taliban: World domination - do it our way or we attack
American Taliban: World domination - do it our way or we attack
Executing Minors:Al Qaida/Taliban: Executing Minors OK
American Taliban: Executing Minors OK -- but we're pro-life
Pop Culture:Al Qaida/Taliban: Hate it... kill it
American Taliban: Hate it... ban it
Self-image:Al Qaida/Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
American Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
God:Al Qaida/Taliban: God is on our side and will help us kill our enemies
American Taliban: God is on our side and will help us kill our enemies
Stem Cell Research:Al Qaida/Taliban: No Stem cell research
American Taliban: No Stem cell research
Leaders:Al Qaida/Taliban: God choose Osama Bin Laden to defeat the Great Satan
American Taliban: God choose George W. Bush to lead us
Use of Force:Al Qaida/Taliban: As a means of propagating a world view
American Taliban: As a means of propagating a world view
Bush's War in IraqAl Qaida/Taliban: Love it!
American Taliban: Love it!
Press:Al Qaida/Taliban: Control of the Press
American Taliban: Manipulation of the Press
Free Speech:Al Qaida/Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is an infidel and must be silenced
American Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is a traitor and must be silenced
Individuals:Al Qaida/Taliban: Conform or else
American Taliban: Conform or else
Cooperation:Al Qaida/Taliban: You're either with us or against us
American Taliban: You're either with us or against us
Tolerance:Al Qaida/Taliban: Death to the infidels
American Taliban: Kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity
Conscience:Al Qaida/Taliban: Obedience to authority
American Taliban: Obedience to authority
Origins:Al Qaida/Taliban: Universe and man created 6,000 years ago by God
American Taliban: Universe and man created 6,000 years ago by God
Role of the people:Al Qaida/Taliban: The people should be subservient to will of their leaders
American Taliban: The people should be subservient to will of their lead
Fear:Al Qaida/Taliban: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in moral absolutes and scorn those that threaten those absolutes
American Taliban: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in moral absolutes and scorn those that threaten those absolutes
Further proof that