"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Annoying meme quiz time, road not taken edition.
Posted by Jill | 7:23 AM

This time I got fish-slapped by Phil Barron of Waveflux (gee, thanks for nothing, Phil!), so here goes:

If I could be a scientist: I'd be an archaeologist, for after all, what scientific endeavor would best fit someone who attempts to be Buffy to the Christofascist Biblical literalist's vampires.

If I could be a musician: I'd play stride and ragtime piano, singlehandedly reviving the genius of Fats Waller. Except I'd only play the songs with sex and drug references.

If I could be a doctor: I still wouldn't. But I guess I'd probably be a shrink. Then I could still work where I do and have a short commute.

If I could be a painter: I'd get the downstairs bedroom, the bathrooms, and the goddamn kitchen painted already. (Yes, I know that's not in the spirit of the meme, but that's the truth and I'm stickin' with it.)

If I could be an innkeeper: I wouldn't buy Oreck vacuum cleaners because they advertise on Rush Limbaugh's show. Oh wait, they also advertise on Air America. My head just exploded. I hate when that happens.

And now, I'm going to go tag ModFab and Tata; both because I think they'll come up with some cool answers.
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