"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" -Oscar Wilde |
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"The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself." -- Proverbs 11:25 |
"Had no respect for him when he alive and have nothing good to say about him now that he's dead."
"No more standing by Pelosi's side as she spouts her sorry leftist hate crap. Bye."
"Seems as if ol' Bob won't be telling anymore lies."
"Pelosi's one I would like to see follow in his footsteps."
"He was a left-wing Dim and will be replaced by another left-wing Dim."
"Thats the only way you see turnover in the Kalifornia legislatute."
"Matsui was an enemy of conservatives. I'm sad to see anyone die, but we didn't lose a friend here."
"The man was a slug."
"Matsui was an unconvicted felon. I have no respect for him in life or death. The less people of his ilk around the better it is for the rest of us."
"Looks like a Republican pickup out in CA."