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Bin Laden is in China
IT AFFIRMS to Gordon Thomas to IT, journalist with contacts in the main services of espionage. The terrorist would have reached an agreement with China, that now negotiates the delivery with Bush. It is his great electoral trick
PACIFICADOR . Bin Laden would have promised to Beijing to end the war of guerrillas of the Chinese Muslims.
During the final straight line, to red the alive one, of the North American elections, Osama bin Laden could become the ace in the sleeve of president Bush. At the moment, Washington is negotiating an agreement of high secret with Beijing, the Chinese capital, to extract to Bin Laden of their sanctuary in the turbulent Muslim provinces Chinese, to the northwest of the country of the Great Wall.
More than five million people, many of them fanatical followers of Osama, live in which one of the most volatile Earth regions is considered. Thousands of them work for the Mafias that are dedicated to the human traffic or of drugs towards the West. The past summer, Bin Laden closed a treatment with the regime of Beijing by which asylum was promised to him in exchange for that this one guaranteed the cease of the war of guerrillas undertaken by the Chinese Muslims against the People's Republic of China.
In the course of the years, tens of thousands of troops of the Army of Popular Liberation have been sent to the region to try to squash the insurgents.
From the arrival of the Saudi Osama Bin Laden, the region has been relatively calm and to the Muslims who live there still it allows them to deal with human beings and drugs.
But now Bin Laden could be catched in its refuge if it prospers an extraordinary agreement between Beijing and Washington so that Chinese it gives to the U.S.A. to the looked for terrorist of the world more.
The capture of Osama Bin Laden virtually would guarantee the re-election of George Bush Jr, would confirm to the million indecisos voters in the U.S.A. of which the war against the terrorism was just after Bin Laden authorized the attacks of the 11 of September against New York and Washington.
"a new Bush administration would present/display to Beijing like its great new ally in the war against the terrorism. China would enjoy more in Washington estatus of favored nation in all its possible facets. Contracts valued in thousands of million dollars would be approved by the fast route. The file of violations of the Human rights in China would be ignored ", confirmed the last week a civil employee of high level of the Pentagon. It added that only a handful of "members of very high rank" of the Bush Administration knew the plan "to take to Bin Laden in exchange for a special relation with China". Almost with total certainty, among them would be the vice-president, Dick Cheney, and the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
Acceding to speak in exchange for the anonymity, the civil employee provided details of the plan to capture Osama bin Laden like an average one to maintain to Bush in the White House. It explained that it is not the first time that a American administration has resorted to similar maneuvers during an electoral period.
Towards the end of the presidency of Jimmy Carter a secret agreement between then the future president of the U.S.A., Ronald was closed Reagan, and Iran by means of which the kidnapped American diplomats in Tehran, Iranian capital, would be released the same day that Reagan acceded to the White House.
According to Ari Ben-Menashe, old adviser of national security of the Israeli Government of Yitzhak Shamir, "enormous sums of money paid ayatolás Iranian". Ben-Menashe affirms that he himself was a key piece in the negotiation that later would be known like the Surprise of October of Reagan.
Theresa, the wife of the senator and democratic candidate John Kerry, has let glimpse that another Surprise of October could be inminente.Hace two weeks, surprised the political advisers of its husband when declaring in public: "it would not surprise to me if, before the elections, president Bush captures Osama". Since then, Mrs. Kerry has refused to comment her declaración.Pero explosive between the intelligence community as much persist the rumors that she as their husband was noticed that any commentary more on an agreement than includes the capture of Bin Laden could jeopardize the national security of the U.S.A..
And the analyst of Washington To the Santoli, the adviser of national security of the republican by California Dana Rohrabacher and publisher of the respected Chinese bulletin Monitor, affirmed that a Surprise of October "would not surprise to me in minimum".
Sources of the White House have refused to comment this question in public. "If the negotiations fail, it is not the best moment so that the president is in evidence when seeing itself publicly implied in the negotiation", he affirmed a source.
One thinks that the possibility in an agreement arose at the beginning of this year after Donald Rumsfeld entrevistara with outstanding members of the Chinese government during a visit to the Far East. Later, George Tenet, at that time director of the company, ordered a study of viability for the operation of capture of Bin Laden. Tenet was informed into which the only possibility was counting on the Chinese support.
"To what extent it can reach this collaboration in the weeks that reduce until the American electoral appointment will depend largely on the confidence that Bush inspires to the Chinese at the time of maintaining its promises with them", it affirmed the civil employee of the Pentagon.
The Gordon writer Thomas is expert in services of espionage and author of books on the company and the Mosad