Wrapping up the Cheney/Edwards smackdown now. Edwards more than held his own here against the hour and a half of lies, damn lies, and outright bullshit that Cheney has been spouting off. Now Edwards is wrapping up by slamming Cheney on divisiveness. Nice. More of this, please, John-Boy.
I don't think anyone expected Edwards to mop the floor with Cheney tonight, certainly I didn't, but I liked what I saw. Edwards was solidly on message, well-prepared, and called Cheney on his lies as much as Gwen Ifill would allow him to do so. A couple of unfortunate flubs, like starting to say "Saddam" when he meant "Osama Bin Laden," and the phumpher on gay marriage is still a serious problem. But overall, solid if unspectacular.
It's astounding, though, how able Cheney and Bush are to out and out lie and get away with it...and no one calls them on it. And note how Cheney sighed EVERY FUCKING TIME BEFORE HE ANSWERED A QUESTION. No one's going to call him on that either.