"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"
-Oscar Wilde
Brilliant at Breakfast title banner "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth, shall be watered also himself."
-- Proverbs 11:25
"...you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?" -- Steve Gilliard, 1964 - 2007

"For straight up monster-stomping goodness, nothing makes smoke shoot out my ears like Brilliant@Breakfast" -- Tata

"...the best bleacher bum since Pete Axthelm" -- Randy K.

"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." -- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (1954-2015), They Live
Thursday, September 16, 2004

"America has just
stopped caring"
Posted by Jill | 4:57 PM
"ImJohnGalt" over at Daily Kos has a heartbreaking lament.


. It's not only become a "me first" country, it has become a "me only" country. From where I am, America has decided that it is not a citizen of the world, but rather that the world belongs to it, and that the rest of us are damned furriners, who should be grateful they let us mow their lawns and wash their toilets. You break treaties with impunity. You torture. You kill civilians and give it (as Bob above writes), 4 sentences in your news. Devout, evangelical Christians tacitly support this by aligning themselves with an administration whose actions belie any credible interpretation that they attempt to follow the teachings of God and his Son.

Now, I know that it isn't all of you. It's (probably) not even a plurality of you. But dammit, if you don't vote this administration out, in the eyes of the world, you're endorsing it. You saw the danger of the electoral system 4 years ago, and you wrung your hands for, what, 5-6 months after the election? And then it was never heard of again. We understand that people fell last time for Bush's "compassionate conservatism" line. Maybe some of you thought that a vote for Nader made you a cool kid, and that you were sending a message. Well, you were. You did. And if you do it again, and Bush wins by the same margin, the rest of the world will get the message loud and clear. When you had the chance to get rid of Bush, you didn't. Call us simple-minded, tell us we're trying to disenfranchise you, but we'll see the result, and judge you by it, rather than the intent. Results matter.

Now, you can call him a "Back-Bacon-Eating-Surrender Monkey" all you want, but he's right. Until November 2nd, we can legitimately say that we are held hostage to a corrupt regime installed in power by a corrupt and partisan Supreme Court. THE ONLY REASON why Americans can still go abroad and not be treated badly is because other countries understand how we've been railroaded by both the thugs in this Administration and the people who put them there. Until November 2nd, we are off the hook.

After November 2nd, unless we do the right thing and vote these pigs out of office, all bets are off. If Bush is allowed a second term through the ballot box, it will be a resounding message to the rest of the world that we support pre-emptive attacks against unarmed civilians. It will be a resounding message to the rest of the world that we don't give a rat's ass about anyone else, as long as we can drive bigger SUVs, buy bigger houses, and bulldoze our way across the planet. It will be a resouncing message to the rest of the world that we really and truly believe that because we are the biggest kids in the playground with the biggest guns, we have the right to plunder the earth, invade their countries, install puppet governments, hog all the world's resources for ourselves, and in short, be Very Bad House Guests on this planet. It will be an endorsement of everything this Administration has done.

Do you honestly believe that the rest of the world will embrace us? Do you honestly believe that they will go to their corners and hide from us and allow us to run roughshod over them? On the contrary...the hatred for the policies that George W. Bush and his Administration have enacted, and which will get even worse in a second term, that burns everywhere in the world right under the surface -- and on the surface for all to see in certain parts of the world, will boil over. And the price will be heavy indeed.

John Kerry isn't my dream candidate. I'm one of those people that Digby rails against. The lackluster, passive campaign the Kerry organization is running is giving me fits. But damn it people, we have no choice. If you have children, and you care about their future, you simply CANNOT vote for George W. Bush on November 2nd. These so-called pro-life people are dealing in a culture of death -- death on a massive scale, all so they can line their pockets and feel like Big Strong Men. If you have no children, but you just feel that we are accountable -- a word Bush doesn't even know -- for what happens on our watch, you MUST NOT allow these people to have, or steal, another term.
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