A step beyond the "be very afraid" dialog, and somewhere deep inside the "loose lips sink ships" world of BushCo, is a special place reserved for those of us who might be confused enough to be led down the piss-sodden path of reverse psychology spewed by the man today. It must be backwards day and the kindergarten in the oval office is in session.
Lets see...apparently,
according to the Commander-in-Chief today:denial that "we are at war" is dangerous.
No shit, sherlock...except that I don't remember that we really
declared war officially or legally, like, voted on it in Congress as something that was actually being done if there was no concrete proof of whatever...and I don't see how we have a leg to stand on as far as the "danger" that we have imposed on the entire world with this ill-conceived occupation and the continued damage its doing to remain there, vs. the damage that will occur all at once if we get out. It is such a fucking mess that its just rich to hear Bush speak about it at all. It must be a deeply padded bubble that he lives in for him to even have the balls to show his face anymore.
Over at
Seeing the Forest, Dave Johnson has his snark on:
President Bush today called for gas rationing, a draft and tax increases to fight the greatest threat the country has ever faced.
To which I can only say: Ha hhahahahahahah heheh hahahaha heh hehe hehehehahaha.....
...Because, and bear with me here, Bush is comparing Bin Laden and his "terrorist allies" to Hitler and Lenin!...as if we can prevent the rise of the next Reich by scouring the highest mountains, (even in Afghanistan?) and plumbing the depths of the deepest seas to root out terror, wherever it is. Is there some sort of big organization out there that I don't know about? An entire country ready to take up arms and shout
heil to the heavens? I just don't see that Bin Laden is all that organized on a higher level, as a state, or a country could be.
Of course, much of this terror is created by us and will continue to grow and multiply as long as we are aggressively attacking any country with oil (except Saudi Arabia.) And we are not big or strong enough to take over the entire world, or even just the places with ...um...oil, unless we have that draft that no one will stand for. (and isn't this when one needs to steal a quote or two from John Edwards about sacrifice and all that nonsense?)
We are supposed to fight the terra-ists and stand in straight lines, looking sideways at our neighbors, very afraid indeed, all the while creating what we are fighting in a big circle jerk until there is no America anymore and all that is left is...the next Reich.
No, its backwards day kiddies and the only truth coming out of the White House is seen in the mirror; Look at the shiny terror while
WE become
the next Reich...while
WE take your rights and national identity away.
This country now is the exact definition of a fascist state. What more do we need?
When faced with that realization, at what point do we stop the nonsense before they come for us?
After all, Bush reminds us:
History teaches us that underestimating the words of evil, ambitious men is a terrible mistake,
And he is not kidding.
Be very afraid, indeed.